Part 44

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"So what do you want to learn how to make?" Harry asks.

"I don't know. Something simple." I reply.

"How about pancakes?" He asks.


"Alright. First we need eggs, pancake mix, and milk."

We both go get the ingredients then Harry takes out the kitchen tools needed.

"Okay, so first thing is put the needed amount of mix." Harry instructs.

"How much is needed?" I ask.

"Look on the box." He says pointing to it.

"Okay. So then what do I do?" I say looking at all the tools.

"Take a measuring cup and measure the amount you need." He says.

I look for the 1 1/2 cup. You would think this is easy for me knowing I could diffuse a bomb.

"Wow. You are really bad." Harry chuckles.

"Oh shut it." I say finally finding the cup.

I scoop it out and dump it in the bowl harshly making it tip over the counter and poof up on Harry. I hold my hand over my mouth so I would contain my laughter.

"I'm so sorry Harry." I say, a hint of laughter in my voice.

"It's fine." He says looking down at himself. He moves towards the counter and grabs the carton of milk and opens it. "Next step is..." He then dumps the milk on top of my head and I watch him laugh his head off.

"Think that's so funny Styles." I say.

"Yes I do." He says I between laughs.

I grab to eggs and chuck them at Harry, one landing in his face and the other on his shirt. I openly laugh and can tell he isn't amused. He grabs the pancake mix and begins to chase me around the room with it.

He successfully dumps it on my head making my face go red in fury. I begin to throw eggs at him again but instead he ducks making them all hit the wall.

"Try to catch me." He says.

I narrow my eyes at him then duck. I could tell he didn't know what I was doing until I grabbed his leg, pulling him down on the floor covered with pancake mix and broken eggs. We just began to laugh for a while, staring at the ceiling which thankfully was clear of our little kitchen war. Once we calmed down Harry began to talk.

"You are the only girl who is not afraid to get her hair messed up."

I laughed at his comment then I saw him looking at me, his big green eyes just staring at me.

"What? Do I have egg shells in my hair?" I ask combing through my hair which is now pancake batter.

He chuckled. "No. It's just incredible how you're so......perfect."

My face heated up into a deep shade of pink right now. "I'm not perfect." I say not making eye contact.

"Yes you are. You just don't see it. You really aren't like any girl I've met. It must be fate I've met you." He says holding my hand.

I wouldn't call it fate. I would call it saving your butt, yeah, but not fate.

"Oh that reminds me." Harry says getting up then pulling me up as well. "Louis' birthday party is tomorrow night. I was wondering if maybe you could come with me."

"Yeah. Of course it's Louis' birthday." I reply.

"No. I mean as m-my date." He stutters.

Why is he stuttering? I should be the one stuttering. But to stutter you'd need to say words. And right now I was at a loss for them. I can't go as Harry's date. I mean I'd live to but I can't. Then he might take it to the next level and I cannot do that. I can't break his heart saying there can't be an us. But I mean one little party won't hurt anyone, right?

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