Part 18

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Harry and I were making some small talk and I had to lie about some things but he didn't really want to get into my privacy too much. That was a good thing about him.

We were talking when the waiter came in with a large dish with a silver lid. He laid the plate on the table.

"Your main course." He said in an Italian accent lifting the lid. "Enjoy."

It was cliche. Harry ordered us one large plate of spaghetti and meatballs. But it looked delicious.

The waiter leaves for me and Harry to stuff our faces. As we were about to finish, I get a hold of a long strand of spaghetti. I didn't see who was on the other end though..... When our lips were about to touch, I bit the spaghetti and slurped it up. Harry paused for a moment then ate his also trying to make it not so awkward.

"Erm...sorry about that." He says looking down.

"It's fine. Good pasta." I said.

He lifted his head. "Ready for desert?"

"I hope you're talking about actual food." I say jokingly.

"Of course." He smirks.

The waiter comes in and gives each of us a piece of chocolate cake. I dug in even though I had just eaten a colossal meal. This restaurant must have been expensive because everything I ate was delicious.

"Did you enjoy the food?" Harry asks as we were about to leave.

"More than I could explain." I say.

Harry tips the waiter then escorts me to the bustling streets of NYC overflowing with pedestrians and unfortunately paparazzi (plus some of those crazy fans). But some wee really nice and screaming I love you to me and Harry.

Harry whistled for a taxi and when one came, he took a hold of my hand and led me through the crowds to the taxi. When we sat and closed the door, I saw Harry was not in a good mood.

"They're getting out of control. I can't one second by myself." He shouted.

"Well if you want to be alone-" I began.

"No Jennifer. I want you with me." He says. He tells the taxi driver to go back to the hotel. I was a little angry this day was coming to an end. I like talking to Harry.

We arrive and start up for the doors of the hotel.

"Where do you think you're going?" Harry calls after as I open the doors to the hotel.

I turn back around to Harry and that beautiful horse and carriage. My heart literally melts as I smile at him, running down the steps. He helps me up on the carriage and he takes his own seat.

We start to go through a path through Central Park. It was even more beautiful in the winter nights with the brisk breeze prickling your skin. Harry just made it better.

"Um, Jennifer? Mind if we walk a bit instead?" Harry asks looking down at me.

"Of course lets go." I say.

Harry gives the carriage driver some money and thanks him. We start to leisurely stroll on the deserted park.

"So Jennifer, what's up?" He asks.

"The sky." I say pointing up.

"So when will we see your home? I'd really like to meet your family." Harry says enthusiastically.

"Oh......" I trail off thinking of memories, but my eyes did not know of the word crying so thankfully no salty tears threatened to pour out. "I sort of don't have a family."

"How come? If you don't want to tell me it's alright." He said.

"No I trust you. Just please keep this between me and you." I said.

Harry nodded his head for me to keep talking.

"Um, well my mom and dad were murdered when I was only about 3 years old." I say my voice cracking. "And I did have a sister but she......she got shot by the same person right in front of me. I would've been gone too if it weren't for the police. She was only 7 when she was shot and I had just turned 5. I remember screaming for her to come back but.....she didn't." I said.

I looked up at Harry who now had tears in his eyes. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry." He said sympathetically, embracing me in a warm hug that I actually really needed.

I pulled away just enough to see my face. "How are you not crying?"

"I've had to move on and not dwell on the past." But I knew I did. Every single second of the day I would try to find the murderer and why he killed my family. I remember that the Commander was in the scene and had seen me next to my sister's lifeless body crying my heart out. He had taken me to the agency, my new home. I was the first girl there. I was an exception as the commander said. I've worked at the agency almost all my life but I still thought I've my sister being killed right before my eyes.....

"You're so strong." Harry said cupping my face with his large hands. I looked down knowing what he said wasn't true.

"I'm really not." I almost whisper.

"Yes you are. You've been successful as a young lady all on your own." He said once again embracing me. I hugged him back and dug my face into the crook in his neck.

I felt his hot breath on my cold skin sending shivers down my spine. I pulled away from the hug after a few minutes.

"Thank you Harry." I said.

He grinned trying to lighten the mood. "No problem love."

He took my hand and intertwined it with mine.

"What about the paparazzi, Harry? I don't want them to get the wrong idea." I said pulling my hand away.

"Fine." He said interlocking arms with me. "That better."

"Much." I reply.

"So Jennifer, I feel like I owe you something. You know for....bringing that up and losing your laptop and the whole bed thing." Harry said listing everything. "So I will let you do whatever you want with me."

"Hmmm, will you let me straighten your hair?" I said playing with his curls.

"Anything but that." He said protecting his pile of curls.

"I'm you're assistant. I'm supposed to do whatever you want." I say.

"I'm allowing you this once in a lifetime opportunity. Take it." He says.

"Fine. Jump into that fountain." I say pointing to the fountain in the middle of the park.

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Really?"

"Really." I say.

He began to take off his blazer and started running taking off his shoes while making his way to the fountain. I run after him grabbing all of his things. He jumps in making a big splash. He starts to swim around as I sit on the edge of the fountain. He swims up next to me.

"I didn't actually think you'd go in there." I say setting his things to the side.

"Well I wouldn't have gone in without someone else." He says grinning.

At first I didn't understand then it came to me. But I was too late. Harry pulled me into the water drenching me head to toe. I start to splash him in anger then I decide its okay. I mean it's a joke. I made him go in there anyway.

For a second we just stare at each other. I was admiring his wet floppy hair that covered some of his beautiful green orbs.

Then I remembered it was December in New York City and I'm in a water fountain.


A/N: Hiiii. Okay so I said I'd mention my friend Verina in this some time so consider yourself mentioned. Anyway I hope you like this. I didn't want it to be an ordinary date. I was going to update earlier but dumb wattpad was acting up. So vote, comment, fan and all that good stuff. Keep reading my wonderful people and please READ MY OTHER FANFIC WHOSE THE ONE FOR ME? IT'S COMPLETED!!!!

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