Part 26

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While walking through the busy streets of the city, I noticed that MSG was a big deal. I went scrolling through Instagram and Twiiter and everyone was freaking out about it.

I had told Harry that I needed some fresh air. And I wasn't lying. I felt as if I was hyperventilating. This NEVER happens to me.

I kept on scrolling looking at all the fans excited about the concert. This sounded that was big. And usually big events mean a tragedy. Like how the Titanic was so grand and perfect but got sunk by a glacier. Harry cannot be the Titanic.

I must have another success. But I need security. Security in disguise so Mr. X wouldn't try to hide from them. I already have an idea in mind.

As I was about to call my "security" and bumped into something hard falling back a bit.

"Sorry about that." A man said.

I looked at him and saw he was a boy around my age. He was quite easy on the eyes with light brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. But nothing compared to Harry.

"It's alright." I said. "Happens all the time."

"What's you're name beautiful?" He asked cheekily.

"Um, Jennifer." I said.

"I'm Jason." He smirked. "Hey, wanna go grab some coffee?"

I thought. Go have coffee with a really cute stranger or hyperventilate? Lets go with number 1.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

"Great." He grinned. "Do you like Starbucks?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Great. Lets go." He said leading the way.

He was very cute. But I felt weird going to have coffee with a complete stranger. It's just odd that he'd ask a stranger for coffee. Very weird....

"Mind if I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Yeah. Of course." He replied grinning at me.

"Why'd you ask me, a complete stranger, out for coffee?" I asked.

"Well I don't usually see beautiful girls out on the street." He said flirtatiously.

Wow. Someone's a player. But I felt as if he was still lying. We came to a not so busy street where there was an alley. I cut off our journey to Starbucks and pinned Jason up against a wall.

"Wow babe. I think I'm supposed to make the first move." He said.

"Tell me who the hell you really are first, Jason." I said through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Are you X or do you work for him?" I asked.

"I don't work for nobody." He was obviously lying.

"Tell me, now." I said coming closer to him.

"Wow. When I got hired for this I didn't know I'd be around such a hot babe." He said looking up and down my body.

I scoffed at the pervert. But I now knew that he was working for somebody. And I already knew who would try to get to me.

"Maybe we could finish this conversation somewhere else. Somewhere more private." I said flirtatiously to him.

"Oh. I know what you mean." He said winking and walking in another direction with me following behind.

Boys are too easy.

He took me to an apartment building and went up to his apartment. It was a bit small but fine nonetheless.

"Lets get down to buisness." I said to him.

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