Part 10

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The boys all rush out into a parking lot to a white van. That doesn't bring up good memories. Anyway they all rush in and call out after me.

"Aren't you coming?" Louis says.

"I gu-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing. "I'll just meet you guys there."

"Are you sure?" Zayn calls out.

"Yeah positive. Hello?" I say into the phone.

The boys close the door and head towards their destination.

"Sarah! I just wanted to tell you that Harry has 4 nipples." Cindy says.

"What?" I ask really confused.

"And Zayn is insanely afraid of water, the dark, and roller coasters." She says.

"How is this going to help me?" I retort getting aggravated.

"I don't know. Thought I'd just tell you." She replies.

"Ugh. Bye." I say hanging up. "Now how will I find a ride there?"

I hear a honking horn from behind me and turn to see the London taxi with none other than my spy co-worker.

I enter the car and take a seat.

"Hello there." I say.

"Ello. Where to?" He asks.

"Wherever that white van went." I order.

"You want to follow a white van?" He asks looking at me strangely.

"Oh just follow it." I say.

"Your wish is my command." He says speeding away.

"Can I just ask what your name is?" I ask politely.

"Call me James." James says.

"Alright Jimmy." I say.

"It's just James." He says.

"Okay Just James. Lets catch up to them." I say.

I looked at all buttons in the car and out of curiosity, I pushed one. A bucket of ice and champagne with a platter of assorted cheese popped up. Good button.

I pushed another button which accidentally spilled oil behind us making cars slip and lose control. Bad button.

"Lets make a rule, love. Don't push my buttons." James says.

"Sorry." I say guilty.

He slowly comes to a stop.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask.

"I can't go too close or they'll see me." Jimmy replies. "You'll have to walk it out."

I look down at my shoes and see that I'm wearing very uncomfortable heels. Beauty kills.

"Ugh." I grunt exiting the car.

"Have fun, love." James says leaving me to walk a mile.

It's not a literal mile but in heels it really feels like it. As I finally make it to the site of the photo shoot, I notice the boys still haven't finished hair and makeup. Divas.

"Hey guys." I say trudging towards them, dropping my bag and dramatically collapsing onto a couch in their dressing room.

"What happened?" Zayn asks.

"Looks like you walked the way here." Niall says sarcastically.

"Oh no, I'm just a bit sick is all." I say covering up.

"Looks like you want some hair and makeup done too." Louis says.

"No that's okay." I reply.

"Nonsense. Lou. Please do Jennifer's hair and makeup." Louis asks.

A woman obediently listens and takes me into a salon swivel chair. A little girl follows her.

"Who's this cutie?" I ask looking down at the small girl.

"My daughter. Her name is Lux." Lou answers.

"She's precious. Do you bring her on tours and around with the boys?" I ask.

"Yeah. She really loves the boys and the boys act like parents to her which helps me a lot. The boys are so sweet. You'll see when you come on your with us also." She says straightening my hair.

"Oh yeah....." I say trailing off.

"Harry's a great guy. You don't have anything to worry about. It's just that teenage boys can be a bit of a handful." She says.

"I'd imagine. Especially when part of an internationally known boy band." I say.

"Well it's not like that with these boys. They've stayed down to earth. They still think all the fame and fans are completely surreal." She says.

"Huh." I wonder. He could not be a snob.

"Mind shutting your eyes for me sweety." Lou says to me, taking out eye shadow and eye liner.

"Of course." I say.

I think I could get used to getting my hair and makeup done. But I know I can't let that happen.

Once I'm done with the mission, I'm done with One Direction. For good.

---------------------------------------------A/N: I would've updated more but was stuck with family. Anyway I hope you liked the chapter. Comment ideas if you'd like. Fan me. Vote me. And please keep reading! Thanks

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