Part 3

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London is even more frigid this time of year. The cold December air hits me as soon as I leave the Heathrow airport. I let loose my dark brown locks trying to cover my freezing ears.  

With my bags at my side, I go to the man with the sign with the name Jennifer Sanders. My new alias.  

"Hello. I would be Ms. Sanders." I say pleasantly to the man.  

"Nice to meet you." He says in a British accent.  

He guides me to the British, black taxis. He sits in the front while I stay seated in the back.  

"Welcome Agent Parks." He says starting the engine and going away from the airport. "How are you this evening?" 

"Lovely. And you?" I say.  

"Wonderful." He says stopping at some random street. He starts pushing random buttons on a key pad that he pulled out of a glove compartment.  

"I suppose you're an agent also." I say looking at him glide over the keypad.  

"I actually was downgraded to babysitting youngsters like you." He says.  

"I'll have you know that I am a highly trained professional." I say very defensive.  

"I know I know." He chuckles.  

"Why were you downgraded anyway?" I ask.  

"You don't need to know." He says still typing.  

"But I want to know." I say.  

"Not now. You have to get ready to go to your job." He says as a table of equipment emerges from the floor.  

"Job?" I ask.  

"We're here." He says pulling up to a hotel. I don't even remember starting to drive. "You better get going." He says turning back to me.  

I fill my coat with equipment, slyly hiding it so I won't be caught.  

"Thank you." I say before leaving.  

"Call me when you need something." He says as I close the door.  

I run across the street, trying to pull down my uncomfortably short dress, my trench coat on top. I enter the hotel and get greeted by a sudden heat. I pull off my sunglasses and go to the front desk.  

"Hello. I'm hear waiting for somebody." I say getting my act on.  

"And who would that be?" The man asks.  

"Mr. Harry Styles." I say.  

"Yeah okay." He says sarcastically. "You're just another crazed fan." 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say sincerely confused.  

"You just want to meet Mr. Styles." He sneers.  

"I'm his assistant thank you very much." I say.  

"We'll see about that." He says. As he's about to pick up his phone, he looks up and stares at something behind him. I follow his gaze.  

"Mr. Styles!" He calls out. "Mr. Styles!" He comes around his desk and starts walking to some boy looking down at his phone. I can only tell he has a significant amount of hair on his head. I follow the man.  

"Is this young lady your assistant as she says?" He asks.  

The boy looks up at me. I'm taken aback. I didn't really take the time to search pictures of this boy. But I regret not doing so.  

"Is this Jennifer?" He asks me with a deep and slow British voice.  

"Why yes I am. Jennifer Sanders. Nice to meet you." I reach my hand out to him and act all perky and preppy. Just as the Commander said to do.  

"Nice to meet you love. Paul had told me you were coming." He says smiling with dimples popping up on either side of his mouth. "Lets get going." He leads me toward the elevator.  

I follow him and turn back to the man and stick my tongue out at him. I walk into the elevator with Harry I presume.  

"So you're my own personal assistant?" He says as if its the most bizarre thing ever.  

"Why yes. Why wouldn't you have one?" I ask.  

"Well none of the other lads have personal assistants." He says looking down.  

"I guess your special then." I say. He lifts his head up and smiles.  

"So you're an American?" He says.  

"What's wrong with Americans?" I ask.  

"Nothing. They're great." He says.  

"So Harry. I'd like to get to know you and things. I might ask some personal questions also if you don't mind?" I ask.  

"No not at all. But after you meet the lads. If you'll be part of our group, I'd like you to be friends with all the boys." He says as the elevator opens.  

We come out and start walk down the hallways.  

"Why is it so quiet?" I ask.  

"We usually rent out whole floors. So fans don't trap us and such." He says.  

"Do you not like your fans?" I ask.  

"No. We love them. It's just for safety and no one gets trampled." He says taking out a room card.  

He slides the card at room 734 and enters it. As soon as I walk in I feel like I'm in a pigsty. Food and snacks scattered on the floor. Clothes hanging from the lamps.  

I thought these British boys would at least be some way neat. Instead I smell something that sleeps like someone took a walk in monkey poo.  

"Boys! I want you guys to meet someone." He yells in the room and all the boys stare up at him.  

I emerge from behind Harry. They all look at me.  

"This is my new assistant Jennifer. Jennifer, this is Louis" he points to a boy with large biceps and sea blue eyes. "Liam," pointing to a boy with chocolatey brown eyes. "Niall," he points to a blonde boy with blue eyes. "And Zayn." He says pointing to a boy with black hair and golden eyes.  

"Hello boys." I say friendly.  

"Ello Jennifer." They all say in unison.  

"So an assistant?" Louis says. "Why don't I have one?" 

"I'm special." Harry replies grinning.  

"Well I better go settle somewhere. Then I'll come back." I say.  

"No, no, no. You could stay here with the lads and I." Harry says.  

"That's really nice but I don't think I can-" 

"No I insist." He says. The other boys agree.  

"You have to get used to us if you'll be Harry's assistant." Niall says. He sounds Irish. Like that man I arrested in Scotland who acted as an Irishman. 

"I guess so." I give in.  

"Wonderful. Lets find you a room." Harry says guiding me to the hall.  

Oh no.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Hola. So yeah hope you like it! Comment ideas and stuff. I just want to make sure that everyone knows that Sarah or "Jennifer" is sort of uptight. You'll see. Anyway comment, vote, and keep reading!!! Thanksss

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