Part 25

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*Sarah's P.O.V.*

I woke up in an instant with a terrifying dream. Two blurred figures carried Harry's corpse out from the back door at a party. I sat up swiftly making Harry also wake.

"You okay, Jen?" He asked in his morning voice.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine." I said getting out of bed. "I just need to go to the bathroom real quick."

He nodded his head sitting up. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I felt as if I was going to break down. Like all the pressure of having Harry's life in my hand. As if I was going to faint. I felt dizzy for a second but caught myself.

I just need to calm down. Breath in. Breath out. This is not working. I finally composed myself and left the bathroom to see Harry waiting outside the door.

"Are you sure you're all right?" He asked reaching for my forehead.

"Yeah perfect." I say swatting his arm away.

"You don't seem like it." He said concerned.

"No, really, I'm fine." I say moving to a couch.

He didn't say a word. He just sat down next to me, watching me.

"You need something?" I finally asked.

"No. Just going to stay here until you tell me what's wrong." He said.

"It's just some morning sickness. I'm just a little dizzy." I admit. Sort of.

"Want me to get you some medicine? Or food?" He asked.

"No I can go get some for myself." I said but as soon as I got up, I fell back down in dizziness. Everything was a blur.

"I'll go get some food for you. Louis!" He yelled. "Come over here!"

Louis walked in and looked like he was pissed. Someone must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Take care of Jen while I go get her some food." Harry's says putting on a jacket and some sneakers. "I won't be gone long."

He was about to leave when he turned back around and faced Louis. "Take care of her." He said quite seriously.

"I will. Now shoo." Louis said.

Harry left and Louis sat down by me.

"Is my little spy sick?" Louis said squeezing my cheek.

"Stop it." I said swatting his hand away. "Just morning sickness."

"You better not be pregnant by Harry." Louis gasped.

"LOUIS!" I yelled.

"I'm joking love. But I can't get over how you're a spy. This is literally the coolest thing in my life." Louis said falling back onto the couch. "And that's saying a lot since I'm part of One Direction."

"I feel honored." I laughed. "I'm just worried."

"Is it because of your mission? Which you still haven't told me about." Louis said.

"It's bad enough you know I'm a spy. You can't know anything else." I said.

"I'm a smart little boy." Louis said making a cute smile. "So I'm pretty sure this might have something to do with Harry since you're his assistant."

"It may be. Or it may not." I said.

"Why do you have to be confusing?" Louis said.

"Because I'm an agent. Get used to it." I said trying to get up but fail once again.

"So tell me about you're relationship with Harry?" Then he looked as if he had a sudden epiphany. "But if you're an agent that means you don't really be dating someone with so much attention like Hazza. So then you'll break Harry's heart when he finds out there's no chance that he'll ever be with you."

"Bingo." I said a little quiet also hating the outcome.

"Oh no no. This cannot happen. Harry's too sensitive. He'll go crazy. And if he goes crazy I'll go crazy. And if I go crazy then the boys will go crazy. And if the boys go crazy the fans will go crazy. And if the fans go crazy the management will go crazy. And if the management goes crazy then-"

"LOUIS!" I cut him off.

"WHAT?!" he screamed back.

"I know what's going to happen. Don't make me feel any worse." I said curling up into a ball.

"It's just that I don't want to see my best mate hurt. He does really like you." Louis said.

"Yeah right." I scoffed.

"I don't understand why you think it's so unbelievable for Harry to like you."

"Well he's Harry Styles and I'm, you know, Jennifer."

"You mean Sarah."

"Right. I forgot you knew."

"I have to say, you are a very good actress."

"Why thank you. I do try."

"Next time don't go all Jackie Chan on people."

"I just wanted to keep you safe."

"And I appreciate it. So feeling any better?"

"Venting it all out did make me feel better." I say finally able to stand on my feet.

"I'm back!" Harry called out opening the door.

"Just on time." Louis said. "Now be careful around him, please." He whispered in my ear.

"I hope you like Dunkin' Donuts." Harry said taking his coat off.

"Yeah thanks Harry." I said while he handed me my coffee.

"Feeling better?" He asked while taking out the food.

"Um, yeah. I could stand up without falling." I say.

He chuckles and faces me. "You're very funny Jen."

"Thanks." I said smiling, looking down at my coffee.

"I've never met a girl like you." Harry said.

I lifted up my head. "What does that mean?"

"It means you don't try to be another person to please me." He says.

"Well 'There is no one alive who is youer than you.' Wise words from childhood Shakespeare." I quoted.

"And who would that be?" Harry asked crossing his arms.

"Dr. Seuss." I replied.

He chuckled. I began to eat my food. I still felt a bit tired and groggy. But I kept going. I finally felt much better and then remembered..... Today One Direction is playing Madison Square Garden.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Sorry updated late. But I hope you liked this chapter. So comment, fan, vote, and all that good stuff. Thanks and keep reading!! And read my other fanfic please

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