Part 41

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"Jennifer's sleeping. I'm not going to wake her up. She looks so peaceful." I heard Harry's voice while I was half asleep. "She'll wake up on her own time but I'm not leaving her. But isn't the match tomorrow?" 

I began to stretch a bit drawing Harry's attention.  

"Yeah she woke up. Talk to you later." He hung up and walked over to me.  

"You have a really comfy bed." I say fixing my messy bed head. 

"Thanks." He chuckled. "So want some breakfast?" 

"Sure. What time is it anyway?" I asked rolling out of bed.  

"Around 9." He answered.  

He led me to a beautifully modern kitchen. He has such a nice place for a guy.  

"So what'll it be?" He asked looking through the fridge.  

"Bacon." I reply sitting in a stool at the bar.  

"Right, you're American." He smirked.  

"What is that supposed to mean?" I question.  

"Nothing love." He said pulling out a pack of bacon. "Anything else?" 

"Pancakes or is that too American for you?" I ask.  

He chuckled. "It's fine." 

"What do you Brits have for breakfast?" I ask.  

"Well I'm not sure. English muffin, tea, crumpets-" 

"Crumpets?" I asked.  

"Yeah. Or is that too British for you?" He says jokingly.  

"Yeah it actually is." I reply swiveling out of the stool. 

He chuckled and took out ingredients for pancake batter. He seems to know what he's doing. I can't even make grilled cheese without burning it.  

"Do you like to cook?" I ask walking towards him. 

"Yes why?" He asks.  

"Because I find even know how to cook as well as you." I say.  

"I bet you're good." He says with a cheeky smile.  

"I can only make cereal right. If I go near anything else my neighbors have the Fire Department on speed dial." I say.  

"Wow. That's pretty bad." He says. "You know I could teach you." 

"Really?" I say. "You could teach me?" 

"Yeah, how hard could it be?" He asks.  

"You have no idea." I mumble getting back into the stool.  

"Do you know how to make bacon at least? I mean you are American." He jokes.  

"Styles, I will shave your curls off in the middle of the night." I threaten.  

"I'm joking. I'm joking." He chuckles.  

"But I'm not." I say evilly.  

He looked at me wide eyes and scared, clutching his oh-so-precious curls. 

"I'm joking. I'm joking." I say calming him down.  

We stayed in a comfortable silence while Harry was cooking up breakfast. Then he broke it.  

"So Jen, about this Jeremy fellow." Harry asked.  

For a second I had no idea what he was talking about. But then I remembered that night on the balcony. "Oh." was all I could muster.  

"How do you know him?" He asked curiously sliding pancakes onto plates.  

"" I wasn't lying.  

"What did you work as before?" He asked.  

Shoot. I did not think of this.  

"I interned at a business corp in Manhattan." 

"That's promising. So does this Jeremy have feelings for you?" Harry asked.  

"Well, I'm not really sure." I reply.  

"He'd be crazy not to." He mumbled under his breath. "How does he look?" 

I began to remember how Jeremy looked. "Um, well he brown hair."  

"Check." Harry says flipping his curls.  

"A nice smile."  

"Check." He says smiling.  

"He's also strong." 

"Check." He says flexing.  

"And blue eyes." I say knowing Harry doesn't have those.  

"Well I did when I was little." Harry defends.  

"Oh really." I say.  

I thought about how I really didn't like Jeremy. He actually became annoying always asking to be on missions with me, asking me to train him. I got sick of him. But as I think about Harry and how I felt like I've known him for years and I don't think I could ever get sick of that lovable idiot.  

'Sarah! You do not like him!' 

'What if I do?' 

'You don't! Get out of freaking fantasy land and back into reality! You have no chances!' 

'Geez. Party pooper much.' 

'That's my job.' 

"Earth to Jennifer Sanders?" Harry said waving his hand in my face.  

I love it when he says my full name.  

'That's not even your real name nimrod!' 

"Yeah?" I said dreamily.  

He smirked. "Somebody'a in La La land." 

"Just a little bit tired still." I say.  

"Alright then. Breakfast?" He offers me a delicious plate of bacon and pancakes.  

"Don't mind if I do." I say taking the plate and immediately digging in.  

I see Harry smirking at me in the corner of my eye.  

"What?" I ask with my mouth full.  

"Nothing babe." He says smiling. "Just keep eating." 

I shrugged and kept on eating. What can I say? I hate airplane food.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Hey. So I wanted to update before I went to bed today. So lucky you. But I probably won't update tomorrow unless I'm really bored. So please comment, vote, and fan. And for the love of One Direction actually COMMENT, VOTE, AND FAN. KEEP READING AND HAVE AN AWESOME LIFE

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