Part 47

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It was around 4 and Louis' party begins at 7 so we still have like 3 hours to go. Harry was overly excited about my new place that he wants to start looking for furniture and stuff. I was honestly exhausted from Ginger.

I flopped onto Harry'a couch. "You had to choose the craziest realtor." I say.

"Well the others weren't that good either. Hillary, Raina, Tina, Lisa," he shuddered then continued. "Teresa."

"Here's a funny idea. How about a guy realtor?" I say sarcastically.

"I don't know any." Harry says.

I chuckled and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. I flickered it on and felt Harry scoot closer to me.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked Harry.

"Nothing really. We should go over one of the boys' places." Harry suggested.

"Alright. Let me just go take a quick shower and we can go." I say getting up.

"Don't take long." He says.

"I won't."

I keep my promise and take a quick shower and wrapped my soaking hair in a towel. I pulled on sweatpants and a tank top to rush back into my room. When I go in I find Harry sitting on my bed, scrolling through my phone.

I raise my eyebrow. "What are you doing?" I say making him jolt.

"Oh, um, I-I was just..." Harry stuttered.

"What did you need from my phone?" I ask snatching it from his phone. "Were you looking through my texts?"

"Um well-"

"How did you even know my password?"

"I know a way to get into it. A friend taught me."

"What? You don't trust me so you look through my phone?"

"No, I just wanted-"

"Wanted what, Harry?"

"I wanted to figure out who this Jeremy guy is. I was jealous." Harry said with his head down.

The room fell into silence. Harry felt jealous. Felt jealous of what? Some fake crush I had? That'd be weird. But why would he be? Does he really like me? Only one way to find out.

"Why were you jealous?"

Harry's head popped up at my question. "You don't know..."

"No." I said in a small voice. What did he mean?

"Well, Jennifer, I like you and I guess I should just admit it." He says with his head down and his curls hiding him.

"Why would you be afraid to admit it?" I ask stepping closer to him.

He sighed. "I thought you didn't like me. You like Jeremy."

"I thought you liked that girl Sarah?" I say.

"I made her up. The scenario I made up for her was what I really felt for you." He admits.

"Well since we're here admitting things, there is no Jeremy." I say.

"What?" Harry said looking up.

"I made him up to and you're actually supposed to be him." I say.

"So does that mean you like me?" Harry asked a grin spreading on his face.

Shit. I've gotten myself in deep doo doo. I can't let him know it then he'll ask me out. And I can't go out with him. It's against the rules. Well honestly I'm not in the place right now to say I don't like him because I technically already told him that I did. Jesus Christ.

"Um, well yeah." What the hell are you doing?

Harry's smile grew bigger and embraced me in a bear hug. If I could I would punch myself. What am I thinking? This will not work out. Now what do I do?

"This'll be great. We could go to Louis' party together as a couple." He says still hugging me.

A couple?! That's it I'm dead. Yup. Like seriously? Can this get any worse?

"Plus we could tell the public and press there that we're officially together." Harry said pulling away with a smile.

Crappity crap crap.

"But that's if you're only okay with it?" Harry said looking me dead in the eye.

I was uneasy that's for sure. But I tried to play it cool. "Um, I'll think about it. But right now I better do my hair for Lou's party." I say.

"Okay then. I better get ready too." Before he left the room he gave me a big hug then left.

I flopped down on my bed, all the stress weighing down on me. The next time I get out of the shower and find Harry, I'm going to go back into the bathroom. But we'll see the next that happens.

I got back up and dried my hair. Before I could actually straighten and curl it, I was disturbed by my buzzing phone.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Jennifer." I heard Eleanor. "I need you ASAP. I need to go find a dress for Louis' birthday party and both Danielle and Perrie can't make it. Can you please come with me?"

"Um, sure." I said unsure.

"Great! Pick you up in 10!" Then she hung up.

Oh great. I threw on a pair of jeans with a ruffle white shirt and army green cardigan. I put on combat boots and put my already messy hair in a messy bun.

"Harry! I'll be going out with Eleanor." I yell out in the massive flat.

"Alright babe." Harry says coming out of a room. "You look great by the way."

If he thought I looked good now, then I'm pretty sure he'd think a ferret giving birth was cute.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. "I'll be back before Louis' party."

"Don't be late." Before I could leave, he gave me a quick peck on the cheek then turned away.

I shut the door then immediately began to fangirl. I literally felt a tingly feeling on the part he kissed. Am I in heaven right now? Okay I have to calm down. I soon calmed myself but couldn't keep my fingers from touching the place where Harry's lips met my skin.

I began to hear beeping from below and knew Eleanor was waiting. I ran down the steps and jumped into her car.

"There you are. Where were you?" She asked heading off in the streets.

"Oh just...getting ready." I lied.

"You seem a bit too happy to just be getting ready." She said with a smirk.

"No, why would you think that?" I say trying to not look her in the eye.

I saw turn her head towards me with a smile. "Because you're blushing."

I hurried my face into my hands. "No I'm not." I mumbled out.

Eleanor just chuckled and kept driving.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Sorry haven't been able to update as often as I used to. But right now this is as good as its going to get. So I don't know if anyone heard but ONE DIRECTION ARE GOING TO GET PERSONAL ASSISTANTS! AM I PSYCHIC OR WHAT?! okay so you can now comment, vote, and follow. Thank you.

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