Part 2

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"Oh my gosh......ONE DIRECTION!!" Cindy squeals.  

"Who?" I say giving a confused look.  

"Only the biggest boy band in the world. But you wouldn't know that." Genevieve sneers.  

"They're like the definition of perfection." Cindy says.  

"Well, it's not my job to know about boy bands." I snap back.  

"Well now it is. I'm putting you on this mission." The Commander says.  

"WHAT?!" All us girls say at once.  

"This isn't fair!" Genevieve shouts.  

"I'm not going to babysit some dumb boyband!" I yell.  

"I wanted to lick one of them!" Cindy cries. We all stare at her. "What?" 

"I chose Sarah because I know for a fact that she'll act professional. Plus she's a professional." The commander says.  

"I could be professional. Really I can." Genevieve pleads.  

"Me too!" Cindy says.  

"Sorry ladies but this one's for Agent Parks." He says.  

Cindy and Genevieve glare at me.  

"What?" I say innocently.  

"You two ladies are dismissed. I need to start briefing on this mission." He says shooing them.  

They leave still glaring at me. They close the door softly.  

"Don't you think they'll eavesdrop?" I ask.  

"I got it covered." He says pushing a button on a remote control. All the windows get covered by steel, blocking out all sound. "Now this is a very important mission." 

"I'm babysitting a member of a boy band. How hard can it be?" I say leaning back in the seat.  

"This isn't like other missions. We're dealing with paparazzi and tabloids. It could exploit you and blow your cover. You'll need to change your hair, change your name, and change your face!" He says stretching out his point.  

"I don't see where this is heading." I say.  

"You have to be more careful. Millions of girls are after this boy. And they really know how to find out stuff. I found most of his information from their fan base." He says sliding a file across the table.  

"One Direction. Sounds like a dumb boy band. So what do I need to do again?" I ask not really interested.  

"There's someone after him. A savage murderer. No one has been able to identify this figure. No one. He goes by the name Mr. X." The commander says leaning back in his chair.  

"Mr. X? Interesting alias." I say thinking of the familiarity of the name.  

"There's a hard part to this." He says.  

"Nothing's hard." I say.  

"The member of the band including the others do not and can not know about Mr. X. Any evidence must be sent here and analyzed." The Commander says.  

"Can I just find out who exactly I'm protecting?" I ask.  

"His name is Harry Edward Styles."

---------------------------------------------A/N: I thought of Mr. X from when Harry was threatened to be killed and stuff. But I had the idea if the story a while ago. So I hope you liked it and vote and comment and keep reading. Thanks

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