Part 32

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*Sarah's P.O.V.*

The concert has been going on for about 20 minutes now. But I haven't been able to enjoy it because I was too busy freaking out. At times I thought I wasn't focusing enough and at others I thought I was focusing too much to notice if anything happened. How does that make sense?

And Cindy isn't helping me feel any better about this mission either. Clever idea but she's too soft if someone hurt her. She wouldn't be able to defend herself and I won't let that little girl get hurt. I mean she was like a year then I am but still.

I kept looking around. What would happen the next second? Would Harry be dead? I looked at Harry singing his heart out. I hope he doesn't actually sing his heart out.

I get a tap on the shoulder literally making me jump.

"Sorry love. I'm about to go on with the boys." A british ginger said to me.

"No it's fine." I said.

"Hold on. Are you Jennifer?"

"Yes I am. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Ed, a friend of Harry's. he's told me a lot about you." He said shaking hands with me.

"Really. Well nice meeting you Ed. You in the music industry also?" I asked.

He chuckled. "You'll see in a moment."

I heard one of the boys introducing Ed then he went out on stage, guitar in hand.

And, well, they sing. And I could tell Ed was in the industry. He was very talented and him and Harry seemed very close. Another person who cared greatly about Harry. Another reason to try even harder.

They were singing Little Things that was apparently written by Ed himself. He was very talented I could tell. But right now I had to focus on everything.

I turned to personnel who were just eating all the backstage food meant for the boys.

I better check on Cindy then since she was with the possible X.

"Cindy, you there?" I said pushing a button on the ear piece.

"Yeah I'm here." She said quietly.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"We've gone through like 10 possible 'Ryans' who all have blue eyes and brown hair. There are like a lot in New York I guess. They keep giving me creepy smiles and try to hug me."

"They like you Cindy but right now just focus on the task at hand. Make sure you stall until I have a chance to get to you."

"Okay. I will." I heard some mumbling on the other end so I shut off signal and continued to watch the boys.

I felt as if I was going to throw up. I'm never like this on a mission. Maybe it's because this one feels the most important. Even more important then the President mission.

*Cindy's P.O.V.*

"Is this him?"

Another boy and another no. This was getting tiring and I can tell Jerry seemed tired if it too.

He let go of the boy and led me to somewhere else with less people in the area.

"How are you going to find him when there isn't many people here?" I asked innocently.

"We're not." He said with a smirk.


He pushed me up against a walk. "I thought you could forget about your boyfriend." He said seductively.

"Well I don't-" I was cut off when he put up a piece if cloth to my nose with an intense smell that made me collapse. I hear him chuckle then walk away in my blurred vision. Then everything went dark.

*Sarah's P.O.V.*

I begin to tap my foot still anxious about this. I was beginning to get worried about Cindy. She was barely trained other then seeing me. I didn't want her to get hurt.

"Hey Cindy, do you hear me?" I asked.


"Cindy? You there?"

Still nothing.

"Are you okay Cindy? Answer me."

Static was the only response I received.

I began to panic. What could've happened to her? But I couldn't leave what if X came? I am so torn right now.

I looked at Harry who had no idea what was going. No idea.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Short chapter sorry. But I've got an idea for the next part. So comment, vote, fan and all that good stuff! Thanks and keep reading!

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