🥦Ch 22: Rogues🥦

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When I finally opened my eyes, I felt slightly dizzy, numb, and disoriented. It took me a moment to realize I was standing in the middle of the road in front of my estate.

How the hell did I get out here?

Warm liquid pooled at my feet, when I looked down, I noticed they were soaked into a puddle of blood.

My heart started to race; trepidation ran through me.

The crimson liquid had a composition resemblance of syrup, meaning whoever was injured must've severed a major artery.

Help us!

The unfamiliar voice screamed in my head, and although I never heard it before it's plead for help didn't just concern me, but my wolf as well. Staring out into the distance, I saw a limp and lifeless figure on the ground.

A wolf.

It's beautiful white fur, was stained with blood. Tingles of fear and anxiety flowed through my entire body. I took off running towards the unconscious animal, as I got closer, I could hear its muffled whimpering. By the time reached him, it was obvious that he was fading fast. I had no idea who the hell this wolf was but the turmoil I felt told me he was important to me...to us.

Blood seemed to be coming from every orifice. I dropped to the ground and cradled his head in my lap.

"Help! Please! Somebody! Anybody!" He couldn't die!

Suddenly the wolf began to shift back into human form.

I felt sick.


"Oh god no!" This couldn't be happening.

"Why...did you...reject us?" He wheezed.

"I didn't!" I shook my head, "I didn't!"

"You...did." he mumbled, his eyelids growing heavy.

"No Prem! You can't die now. Please. Please, don't leave me!" My heart never hurt like this before. It felt as though I was dying too. "Please!" I sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm so...cold...so cold..." Prem's eyes fluttered shut. His breathing slowed...to nothingness.

No, no, no.

"Prem! Prem! Prem!" I gave his shoulders a shake. His eyes remain closed.

He was gone.

Hysterical, violent tremors of howls shook me from deep within.

I screamed repeatedly until my voice gave out, all the while cradling Prem's lifeless body in my arms. The sudden sound of gunfire didn't even startle me. Instead I closed my eyes and prayed desperately for death to come take me away.

Life seemed pointless without Prem.

Once, I opened my eyes. I found myself still lying on my bedroom floor clenching Prem's shirt. Covered from head to toe in sweat. I struggled to control my breathing.

It was just a nightmare.

As I tried to get up, I felt the worst pain shot through my upper right arm all the way down to my thumb.

The smell of gunpowder residue filled my nostrils.

I could hear the ghastly screams of my brother's mate and my mother.

I managed to steady myself on my feet and raced out of my room towards my brother's quarters.

Several guards are already there. Ohm was on the floor, leaning against the wall, gripping his leg. He had been shot. My mom was holding a hysterical Fluke in her arms.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now