🥦ch 17: paper flowers and a note🥦

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okay first things first *drumroll* I'm super excited to let you guys know that this story from now is in collab with my dear AstringentlySweet . a humongous thank you to her for helping me out and making me realise that I've been too stingy with BounPrem scenes. Anyway, don't forget to go and check out her amazing works!

happy reading!

happy reading!

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I stood there blinking several times as I tried to process what P'Boun just proposed.

It's not every day an Alpha would offer to personally help someone work on shifting. But here he was standing at my door, his arms folded across his chest impatiently waiting for my answer. In these two days of my sleep deprived state, this was probably the only good thing happening. I hoped so, atleast.

"I don't have all day," He gritted through his teeth, "Do you want my help or not?"

"Yes," I finally stammered.

"Alright, let's go then." P'Boun took me by my hand and damn near dragged me downstairs.

Peculiar stares bombarded me from every direction, he hadn't let my hand go yet, as he pulled along the way. Occasionally someone would give him a curt nod, others wouldn't dare make eye contact with him. Still, I didn't miss the quite murmurs as we walked past. Still, no one uttered a word.

When he opened the passenger door for me, I nearly fainted. No one has ever been chivalrous with me.

"Get in." He instructed, and I obeyed. He shut the door after me, walked to the other side, seated himself in driver's seat. He reached into his console and pulled something out. It was a blindfold, he handed it to me, "Put this on."

Now I was getting a little scared.

"Why?" I whimpered like a frightened pup. P'Boun let out a frustrated huff of air.

"I'm taking you somewhere that nobody knows about, I intend to keep it that way."

"I won't tell anyone." I assured him, but by the uncompromising look on his face, I knew this wasn't up for debate. I begrudgingly put the blindfold on.

I jumped a bit when I felt his arm brush across my chest, I could feel his heat and I made the stupid mistake of inhaling his alluring scent as he buckled me in.

Everything seemed to stop, I couldn't see anything, and could only hear P'Boun's heavy breathing.

After what felt like an eternity, P'Boun finally started his car, the sound of his windows rolling down let in a flow of fresh air, and suddenly it felt a bit easier to breathe. We drove in silence for quite some time, I eventually got drowsy and felt asleep.

The next thing I knew, P'Boun was gently shaking my shoulder.

"Can I take off my blindfold now?" I groaned.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now