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It was just an ordinary chaotic day like any other. When I left the house this morning, dad was passed out drunk on the sofa. There were shattered glass bottles lying around and dirty clothes that he never bothered to pick up until I did.

I sighed at the thought of having to return back to that awful place, to hear his abusive words, to cook for him, get beaten up at night and wake up the next morning in that same shitty house for another shitty day in my shitty life.

I realised I must have zoned out when Earth smacked my head and I realised the the teacher had been calling me out.

"Khor thot na khab"

"Prem where is your mind?! You're definitely not paying attention. I've told you so many times. How hard is it to just listen for once!?"

Prem kept quiet because he knew it was futile to argue with his teacher.

"Sit down Prem. And pay attention next time"

"Yes sir."


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After almost an eternity, the classes were over and Prem and Earth started walking back home.

"So? All prepared for the upcoming exams?"Earth cooed

"Mm almost. What are you gonna do today?"

"I don't know. Maybe play soccer with the boys. What about you? Do you wanna join us? It's been a while!"

"No I think I'll pass. I gotta go somewhere else today"

"Oh where??? Is your dad taking you out to eat again today or are his rich friends visiting!? Come on Prem you never tell me anything!? Ain't I your best friend!? You even promised to call me to your place one day! Is that ever going to happen???"

" Yeah uh I mean soemthing like that. I guess he'll be having friends over or soemthing"prem stated nervously. He could never let Earth know the truth about him, even if that meant he had to lie about his father, a big blatant lie that he was the rich, happy, protected kid, he showed himself to be.

"Which means You'll be having booze and get drunk and have a hangover tomorrow. Just don't fall down the stairs like last time" Earth grinned.

Prem was so glad Earth bought all the stories that he would try to feed him, never questioning him, he was pretty gullible. He hated the fact that he had to deceive his best friend about himself, his identity,  his family and everything.

"Haha yes."Prem lied through his teeth and crossed his fingers behind.

"Lucky duck"Earth smacked his head then waved him goodbye and started walking to the other side.

He hated doing this...especially to Earth who was his only friend and confidante but what excuse could he give about having to go home early every day, having a black eye, a severe headache, sleepless red eyes and those bruises round his body.

He couldn't speak ill of his family. He hated his dad but he was his dad after all and maybe he really was a disappointment like his dad mentioned every night, maybe that's why hus mom left him and if he was lucky enough, his dad too would someday. But then again, whatever these thoughts were irrelevant because no matter what he had walk back to that shithole, get beaten, do all the chores and also manage school at the same time.

Frustrated he started walking back home, and was surprised to see a black SUV waiting outside the door. He was shocked when he heard the sound of glass breaking and quickly ran into the house.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now