🥦 ch10: being loved-?🥦

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It had been almost two months since Prem had started staying there. It wasn't anything extraordinary or special. Just regular stuff.
He hadn't had his first shift yet and was getting disappointed day bu day.
Getting up in the morning, home schooling for 3 hours, he would talk in the evening with Wren or maybe play video games with her.

Unlike her brothers, Wren too, was an omega like him, and that was also a reason why her brothers were always so over protective about her all the time, making sure she had good company and always background checking about the guys she would sometimes go out with.

In Prem, she had found a confidante, and a friend she had long wished for. She would always make him sit in her room for hours , while she would try on dresses before her dates and make him do all the choosing. Prem too, was just as happy that he could help, although he was secretly jealous of her for being so pampered by her mom, dad, and brothers, but it didn't change the fact that he loved her dearly like a little sister and was happy in her happiness.

He missed Earth terribly, and to have a friend was a bliss, often wondering if Earth had asked about him to his father. What had he replied? That he had sold him? Or that he was dead somehow? And what about that gruesome man? Did he miss his son even for once? Prem would try to push away all those thoughts, knowing he did have a better life here than he could ever imagine having there. Yes, he was sold, but that didn't change the fact that everyone treated him wrll here, he even had a friend, at times he just sat blankly and thought, maybe this was how it was all supposed to be? However other times, his revolting side would surface and he would have sudden urges to break free from here and run away and start anew, and just if he could, already once, meet Eartg, his only friend and hug him and tell him he's okay. Poir boy, must've missed him so much, Prem thought, what it he got bullied by those seniors again? Who would protect him?

Mere thoughts now.
This was his life.
And he had to pretend to be happy.

Wren would often complain about how the guys she dated were sometimes too gross, had too bad a taste in music, had a bland palate and absolutely no respect for women sometimes...it disgusted her how some guys, with their raging hormones, wanted nothing but sex...what a disappointment, she would sigh and both of them would start laughing hilariously. She seemed to be pretty straightforward and would joke about how she would definitely date Prem if they had met before.

But for some reason, she hadn't been out of her room for days and Prem was genuinely worried and sad. Prem was strictly forbidden to visist Wren and he couldn't understand if he had done something wrong? Was he about to get kicked out?

Although that was what he wanted right? To get kicked out and escape from here? But then again, where would he go? Also, he had grown so fond of Wren , he was sure he'd miss her like hell , it had been two days already that she didn't see her and his heart was aching.

Reluctantly, he went to sit with Fluke and engaged himself in some conversation with him. Fluke was wearing spectacles and reading a book, when he saw Prem peeping in from the door, he kept his book down and motioned him to come inside.


"Bored, phi. What're you doing? "

"Oh just reading and working"Fluke smiled at the boy

"What work?"

"Mm well, I keep records of the finance of our company. That's my job you see"

"Oh"Prem nodded as if understanding everything.

"Phi, what are you gonna name your baby?"Prem asked blatantly.

Fluke laughed a bit and replied "well Ohm, and I haven't decided yet but if it's girl, Im thinking of Fay(blue) or maybe Ploy(precious stone)
and if it's a boy, umm I'm thinking of maybe Oon(warmth) or Arthrit(making of the sun) " he said pouting cutely.

"Oh, that's a really nice name phii!! "he nodded

"But phi, where are P'Boun and P'Ohm these days? And where is Wren? I'm so lonely all day without her. Plus she won't even meet me these days. It's the third day already!"prem whined .

"Oh. Well P'Ohm and Boun have gone on their business trip. It's a 3 day long tour. I'd rather be surprised if Ohm were to sit and spend time with me all day even if he didn't have a trip, you know how he is , always nose deep in work and papers ugh and as for Boun , he doesn't have a mate yet, so he just balances between work and clubbing. Lucky him, my good days are gone "Fluke joked pointing at his tummy and Prem laughed hysterically.

"Oy phi even if phi Ohm doesn't help you, I'll play and take care of your baby, alright???"Prem replied.

He couldn't imagine who would be destined as Boun's mate. She/he would have to face his wrath everyday. He wasn't really serious all the time though, but he looked so cold and sombre and undeniably ruthless. Prem couldn't deny that the man was handsome, with his long, slender body, sharp angular face, with perfect features and of course his straw coloured hair always tied in a knot . For now, he could only imagine Jess , maybe they were actually mates? That would explain why they would shoot each other those looks at the dinner table that hadn't missed Prem's eyes. He couldn't deny that he felt a little jealous, of her, of Fluke, or Wren too. They were so lucky to have their mates or atleast someone who would love and more than that, understand them.

Perhaps one didn't want to be loved as much as they want to be understood. Prem could feel every bit of truth in the statement.
And in spite of wishing them happiness, he couldn't hide the unknown prickly feelings that arose within him whenever he saw that girl hover around Boun.

Something not quite right.

"But what about Wren ? Where did she disappear?"

Fluke adjusted his glasses and picked up his laptop from the bed and started typing something again

"Aah she's got a fever. She'll be fine by this week. You can see her then"

"Alai? She's sick? Then I should definitely get her some flowers and visist her!!! Why didn't anyone tell me this before?!"

"What ? No! You can only visit her after this week Prem. Don't be stupid you know what it is."


"Ugh. You're so dense. She's in heat now. That's why you can't visit her. Understand now?"

The next sentence came out totally unexpected from Prem

"But what is heat Phi?"

Fluke was shocked that Prem was seventeen and still had no idea how an omega's body functions, being an omega himself. Well maybe he was a late bloomer and hadn't had his heat yet, although male omegas started their heats later than females but it was still weird that his parents wouldn't tell him about this before hand.

"You mom or dad neevr told you? That's weird"

Fluke regretted his words the very next moment when he saw Prem's face getting dark and small. How could he be so insensitive . He had heard from Ohm that his dad was such a dick and Prem hadn't even had his first shift yet which was the perfect explanation for not knowing what it was practically, however credentials for not knowing the theory, ofcourse went to his parents...his dad. He had heard that Prem was motherless and his dad being the scum he was, it was only natural that he wouldn't tell his son about all this or any other aspect in general.

"Phi , my mom died when I was s-seven and dad ... "

He was already starting to cry when Fluke's maternal instincts took over and he hugged Prem.

"I'm sorry nong. I should've known. It's okay. I'm here. I'm like your brother. "

he explained the basic things to Prem and told him that he'd understand when it would happen to him. He told him how he would get a fever and get sick in the first stage but it would get better within days or a week at maximum, how he should stay inside because he would be vulnerable, both physically and emotionally, leaving the details of level two, which he would get to know himself with the passage of time.

//////okay guys i went overboard with the naming thingy. I got pretty emotional about naming the kid arthrit🤧🤧🤧///////hope you liked the chapter. Don't forget to VOTE and comment if you liked it.

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