🥦ch 28: The Homecoming🥦

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Sorry for the late update!
Hope you like it💕💕💕


I woke up to find Prem’s side of the bed empty. I panicked at once, thinking he might have run away. I always had to pester him with hugs and kisses to wake him up and he behaved like he was still a little kid, so when I couldn’t find him, I got a little panicked especially considering the day.

“Prem?” I quickly got off my bed and went about the house to look for him. 

By the time I entered the kitchen, it had begun to smell smoky. There was a frying pan on the stove; the poach and chicken that had been left on them were already going black.  I immediately turned off the stove, using an oven mitt, I slid the pan off the hot burner. 

Seeing that, Prem was still nowhere to be seen, I rushed outside and quickly put on my slippers to go out and look for him.

It didn’t take long to find him, but once I did, the sight of his huddled figure stopped me dead in my tracks. The door to our verandah overlooking the backyard garden was open and Prem was sitting with his back pressed to the wall, staring into the green. I swiftly hurried over to him, relieved he was safe and here. 

Prem hadn’t noticed me yet, so when I sat beside him, he got startled.

“Hia…you’re up.” He stated and nervously shuffled beside me. I leaned in to place a kiss on his forehead and he smiled a little at the gesture.

“You weren’t in bed when I woke up. I got a little worried and went looking for you. You also, left the food on the stove, and that alarmed me also,” I rambled on as his eyes grew wide.

“Shit!” He quickly tried to get up and rush when I held his wrist and pulled him back down on the wooden floor.

“I turned it off. They’re burnt anyway, I can make it again for you.” I added with a reassuring smile, but he furrowed his brows and looked away with a sigh. 

I knew eggs couldn’t possibly be the reason of his deep disappointment and none of it explained why he should have left the dire unattained too and sat here alone, there must have been something bothering him, and we both knew what it was.

“Prem? We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready. There’s no hurry.” I said, putting an arm around him and pulling him closer, so he could rest his head against my chest the way he always loved to do.

When he heard my words, he quickly pulled back with a scowl on his face

“That’s not the point hia. I told you I was ready. I am ready. I just got distracted- it’s not about that,” He huffed, displeasured at my comment, but we both knew it was true.

“Okay if you insist. Can you at least tell me what you’re doing sitting here alone?”

He pulled away a bit. 

“I – I just wanted…to do something for you…since you’re always taking care of me,” He let a disheartened sigh, “so, we could start the day all nice and perfect, but I can’t even do one thing right.” He added, then buried his face into his knees.

His breath went unsteady as I rubbed his back and the next moment I knew, his body was erupting into little sobs.

“Prem—,” I softly said, tugging at his shoulders but he just wouldn’t look up at me. “Hey, it’s fine alright? It’s gonna be fine, they love you. I love you. It’s all gonna be fine, come on, look up at me now?” 

I continued to playfully pester him, but he shook his head, sniffling into his knees.

“If you don’t look up right now, I’m going to pick you up.” I taunted tickling his side, he let out a little giggle in protest and punched my arm but continued to sniffle into the sleeves of his sweater, refusing to look. 

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now