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Estrus occurs only in omegas, male and female (beta females have a menstrual cycle). It ranges between once every month to twice a year, generally once in fall and once in spring, varying though if the omega is under significant mental or physical stress they will often skip one or more heats.

There are four stages of estrus: the weight-gaining or "glutton" stage, which lasts about one month and during which omegas eat constantly to gain fat for their upcoming trial;

the "purging" stage, which lasts from one to three days and during which the omega's systems clear and prime themselves for reproduction.

At the end of stage two the rectal aspect of the cloaca shrinks and the vaginal aspect opens wider, and estrus proper, or "heat" begins, which can last anywhere from eight to fourteen days, and during which the omega is essentially delirious in their instinctual desire to be bred (pain receptors also shut down during this phase). It is common for omegas to display lordosis behavior during estrus proper, especially if they are in the presence of a previously accepted mate.

The fourth stage can go two ways. Either the egg is fertilized and the omega's body proceeds into pregnancy, or the egg is left unfertilized and the endometrium is reabsorbed into the body.

And one thing I want everyone to remember is that omegas are not essentially weak they're submissive. Sexually. They might not be physically as strong ad the alphas because of their physiology but it does not mean they are weak.

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