🥦ch 27:The Way we were supposed to be🥦

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In the worldly news today Ploy Anuman has been found guilty and will receive the death penalty for the murder of Neab Pasu , her lover and alleged partner of their Omega Trafficking Ring. She was also convicted of 232 omega trafficking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, and other charges.

Throughout her entire trial, Ploy dozed off, passed notes, munched on snacks, rolled eyes, or shook her head in disapproval. She laughed uncontrollably when she received her sentence.

To avoid a harsh sentence, Jessica Pasu pled guilty to omega trafficking, kidnapping, and false imprisonment. She will serve twenty years in prison without any chance of parole.

Had it not been for the damning testimony of Kao Dechaphatthanakun, Neab Pasu's unlawful son, and Earth Namwirote, a seventeen-year-old who had been abducted by Neab Pasu at age five, the trafficking convictions would have been impossible. They were able to provide pertinent information, for the prosecution.

In exchange for their testimonies, putting into consideration the years of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse Kao and Earth both suffered, at the hands of Neab Pasu, the prosecution will not file criminal charges. As an alternative, Kao and Earth will be reprimand to a rehabilitation center for abused teens and young adults until the age of twenty-five.

In other news today....

Boun turned off the T.V. and turned to look at Prem,who was sitting with his face buried into his hands, on the bed beside him. After almost two months finally, and three fiery court battles, and mind numbing allegations, his mother was sent to prison, along with Jess.
Kao and Earth had been , by the grace of Lupa, sent to a rehabilitation centre and if thinga went well, they would be back very soon in a year at most, and be able to lead a normal life.

"Are you fine?" Boun asked, inching closer to the Prem whose distressed breaths echoed in the quiet room, as he put an arm around him.

He felt his shoulder tense and then gradually relax as the familiarity set in.

"I am" he nodded,still staring into the darkness offered by the safety of his folded arms.

"Hey" Boun whispered, taking his palms into his as he gently coaxed him to look up.
When their eyes met, there was a little reassuring smile plastered on Boun's lips, in contrast to Prem's quivering ones. His eyes looked glassy and Boun could tell he was about to cry.

They had returned from the court in the morning and news spread like wildfire. The tension that had been pent up for so long , seemed to surface only when Prem saw it loud and in flashy colours on the T.V. It had seemed so illusive until then, unreal, funny even, to imagine -

"It feels weird hia" Prem whispered, looking into Boun's eyes.

"It's like all my life I'd never known who I was. I didn't even know the true colour of my parents- and the same happened to me too"

Boun stayed quiet. He knew what Prem was talking about and it was necessary for him to let it all out. To hear it once and for all, to get done with it.
The past couldn't be changed, it deserved to be told for what it was. And closure was necesary. So all Boun did , was tighten his grip around the boy's fragile fingers and listened.

"I'm not sure who I am. And I'm scared, so scared, that one day, I-I too might turn out to be like them"
A stray tear ran down his cheeks and Boun pressed both his hands to his cheeks and cupped his face, caressing the skin with his thumbs.

"The world is a bad place, Prem. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I'm sorry we all were the reason, you lost faith in humanity"

Prem's lips quivered a little and he sniffled.

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