🥦chapter 25: Baby Steps 🥦

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I thought I'd post tomorrow or on friday but I realised it's again gonna be a hectic weekend as usual, so here's an early update!

Also, this story is coursing towards it's end and I'm gonna miss it so much. I'll probably go on hiatus for a few months after this, because I have my college entrance exams and school finals and ample of assignments and projects.

I might check in once in a while, maybe update old stories,  maybe :)
AstringentlySweet and I have planned on more stories and we'll continue with those once these ongoing ones end and I'm a bit relieved from the workload.

Till then,keep reading my ongoing stories  and 'Have You Ever' which is a collab by and AstringentlySweet😊 and I, as well as her other ones!

For those of you who were still asking why Ken isn't mad at Alex, you'll find the answer in this chapter.
Also, if you can remember from the previous chapters, hope you can understand that as much as Prem's anger is justified,  So is the course of Boun's previous actions.
I don't think Boun had much choice but to do what he did, all the evidences were against Prem and they didn't even know they were mates then,  so 🙌🙌🙌
Imagine if Prem was actually guilty hehe.

But he's not. So:

Now back to reading.
Don't forget to vote and comment if you like it!

The first few weeks were the most difficult. Prem had been a cocooned-up mess and mostly quiet.

Boun hadn't taken him back to the pack house because he was instructed that Prem was still very sensitive and even the littlest of things could trigger him.

He moved them both into a little cozy house instead, that Boun thought would be comfortable and helpful. They could probably even get comfortable with each other and get to know each other for real.

No one was allowed near Prem except Boun who remained vigilant to his mate's needs. He hired a private mental healthcare team but kept them at bay. He would only call if Prem started experiencing adverse reactions to his medication or abnormal behavior.

Boun wasn't expecting to be forgiven anytime soon. He was happy enough, Prem was at least letting him take care of him.

Prem would sometimes look at him through hooded eyes as he would come and turn him around in the bed, feeding him, dressing his self-inflicted wounds, or giving him a sponge bath. He would refrain from speaking unless absolutely needed.

When asked if he hurt anywhere, he would shake his head and curl up inside the covers; if asked he was hungry, he would just turn around or say no; if asked he needed something, he would pretend he was asleep so that the other would get tired of waiting and walk away.

The hardest was when Boun would have to feed him at mealtimes, he wasn't eating to satisfy his hunger, he was eating so he could gulp down his painkillers and medicines. Prem would quietly get up, without a word, eat three counted spoons and a sip of water and then crawl back into the covers.

Food had become a trigger for Prem.

Every time Boun held up a morsel of food, it reminded him of the time Boun lured him into speaking by holding a piece of bread for him after he had been starved for days, only to snatch it away even before he could nibble some more of it, after which he had again been subjected to intense torture by Oat and Kaownah.

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