🥦chapter 24: Recovery🥦

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When Prem fluttered his eyes open, he felt his head and eyes still heavy. He looked up to see he was lying with his head on Boun's lap and for a moment he thought he might still be in a dream.

Then reality struck, and he jumped up at once, with all the energy his frail body allowed him at the moment. He had been through a lot all week, and especially the last 48 hours. From getting shot, to almost getting his mark removed and doped and suppressed by a dozen pills, his body had physically given up. Prem looked around and from his limited memory, remembered it was Boun's bedroom.

"Go" he croaked when he saw Boun still sitting beside him. Then as if he hadn't made himself clear, he repeated his words, this time, a bit louder "go away, I said"

"Prem, the doctor is here, you need rest. Ken needs rest-" Boun tried to reason out as he came to the other side of the bed, hands raised as in submission, uttering his worlds, slow and clear.

"don't come near" Prem's voice shook a bit, as he got down and stumbled towards the door.

"where are you going, Prem? You're weak, please let me help you"

Boun said, inching closer cautiously

"I don't need your help"the younger spat as he carried himself down the familiar hallways , somehow preventing himself from tumbling down the steps as he made his way downstairs.

Boun watched helplessly as the sound of his footsteps slowly ebbed away. After a few seconds of deafening silence, he heard a low guttural cry which he could recognize as Prem's voice, as he rushed quickly downstairs.

Prem was sitting on the floor, curled up against the balcony rails and Fluke was standing nearby with a concerned look on his face, while pushing Ohm away from sight. Ohm looked just as devastated, his head hung low in shame and guilt and if he'd look closely, there was a trail of tears down his face.

"it's okay, I'll drive you"Fluke was explaining, painfully crouching down to a level that his pregnant belly allowed, while gently rubbing his back and hair.

Boun froze in his place, when he saw Fluke motioning with his hands to not come any closer. Then as the tension dissipated a little, Fluke helped the boy up and walked him to the car. A few maids followed with what seemed like a little bag with some clothes stuffed in it, and followed suite. Soon enough, the engines roared, and Boun watched painfully as they drove away.

Despite Ohm and Boun falling to their knees and begging the young omega for their forgiveness, Prem remained resolute and cold hearted. He could not bear to see them at any cost and Fluke had hence made sure that nothing to his displeasure happened. This was equally worrisome for the older couple as they were in the 6th week of their pregnancy and with this tension and unspoken malice hanging like shrouds around them, things definitely seemed to be quite serious.

Boun could feel the unrelenting ache emanating from Ken and his deep desire to be with Alex, but the alpha could also grasp and completely understand that Prem required time to overcome the trauma he had endured. Returning home to your tormentors and living under the very same roof as if nothing happened was not only unwise but detrimental to Prem's mental recovery. Hence he had been shifted to a safer place for the time being, where he would be taken proper care of, until he would be nursed back to health, both mentally and physically. This was what Prem wanted and although Boun didn't have the heart to let go, he knew deep down it was for the best.

When Boun secretly paid a visit to the shelter, his heart wrenched with excruciating pain, to witness the pitiful state of his mate. Pitiful would be an understatement, to Boun's utter dismay he was informed by the staff that Prem was in a terrible condition. The young omega would simply sit in a catatonic-like trance, staring aimlessly for hours at his untouched meal just to witness it being replaced with a new tray at the next scheduled mealtime. He'd repeat this wretched routine daily.

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