🥦chapter 26:the heat🥦

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*Sexual content ahead*

It was midnight when Prem started twisting and turning in bed. His forehead was peppered with sweat drops and there was a burning sensation shooting down his abdomen and genitals. He whimpered in pain from the queasy feeling that crawled up his body, and tried to claw Boun's back, who was still sleeping peacefully, turning the other way, oblivious to the younger's pain.

"Hia..aaah....haaah" Prem whimpered, clutching his lower abdomen, while twisting and turning in his bed.

Boun woke up at the sudden disturbance and turned around to see Prem whimpering and writhing beside him.

"Prem, are you okay?" Boun asked, concerned, waking from his slumber, still not conscious enough, when the sickly-sweet smell assaulted his nostrils. The smell of slick. That odor he never had the privilege of enjoying before.

The smell of his mate in heat.

His first heat.

Prem's eyes burnt from the pain, and tears rolled down his plump cheeks and full lips and he could feel his body curling and flaming with that same feeling that had been killing him since yesterday but now, ten times stronger.

Boun knew what needed to be done to take away Prem's pain, but he didn't want to take advantage of him just because he was in heat and so vulnerable right now.

Maybe he should go and call Fluke. Or Wren?

No that would be too awkward.

He decided to get up and get some cold water and a towel to lower his fever like he had been doing for two days so that he could at least fall asleep or find some medicines. Just as he climbed out the bed, he felt a hand grip tightly around his wrist.

"Don't you dare leave me!" Prem whimpered as tears glistened down his face. "You need to make this better."

Under normal circumstances that's exactly what an Alpha would do with their Omega mate. Fulfilling Prem's every sexual desire. But their situation was different. Everything was still so complicated. They weren't even together, not like that.

Boun couldn't.


"You've lost your ability to think straight," Boun managed to say as Prem's scent intensified and started chipping away at his self-control.

Fighting an overwhelming urge to do what was in his nature, Boun stepped back, moving an arm's length away before he uncurled his fingers from his wrist.

"Please." Prem begged.

"Prem." Boun shut his eyes tight, "I'm trying to do the honorable thing here."

When Boun opened his eyes, gone was the desperate look in Prem's eyes. He was blazing mad.

"Honor?!" Prem scoffed stumbling out of bed and getting directly in Boun's face, "Where the hell was this honor when I was being tortured to death!"

Prem's words hurt Boun deeply though they rang true.

"You're so fucking noble Boun," Prem growled with each word, "at the wrong times." With every step the omega took the alpha stepped away. "You didn't stand up for your omega, you rejected your omega, now you won't sexually satisfy your omega." On the last, savagely clipped word, Prem stepped forward again and Boun's back hit the wall. "Are you even really an Alpha?"

Boun was being challenged.

As an alpha.

By his own omega.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now