🥦ch 14: Moonlight🥦

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Boun's POV

My mind was all muddled up. I was guilt stricken for the harsh words I'd thrown at P'Ohm at the hospital.  In 25 years of my existence,  I had never fought with him even once.  Everyone knew how much we brothers loved each other and were literally inseparable.

I partly wanted to think it was Jess's fault for telling me over and over again that Ohm was too soft, that he needed to be more restless, that being the eldest son didn't make him capable of inheriting the throne after dad , and I had slowly started believing her , whatever my subconscious was being fed but I guess I have been to blame too. Must I believe everything she tells me? Nothing had ever gone wrong between us all these years, and now suddenly, what if it isn't her who's to blame, but Prem... Ohm being overprotective about the kid. Did my brother really have to fight with me for a stranger? Over such a trivial matter?

Jess had been here with us, ever since she graduated and returned back from England.  Uncle wad dad's childhood beat friend and his personal adviser and i had been seeing him ever since I was a kid. Wr never treated him anything different from family.

Jess didn't have a mom. Her father couldn't help her much growing up, so she was sent abroad and returned back when she was 18. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to her since the first time.

She was gorgeous.  A perfect figure with a voluptuous build and crafted bosoms. I had a thing for brunettes and she was the perfect combination of beauty with brains. Feisty and just as ruthless as her dad. I had heard about her and at once asked her if she wanted to be my PA. She obliged.  And sooner than expected, we had started sharing not only ideas but also our beds. However it was purely carnal for both of us. We were noth sensible adults and bringing emotions into business was the worst ideas. However things changed a few months ago , when she had suggested we should actually try dating. I had strictly said no but we continued having sex , although I could say she would show her passive aggression in bed. But man did I find it hot!

However keeping everything about us aside, I can't believe she would want to instigate me against P'Ohm. He had been just as much as of a brotherly figure to her as to me.

None of this made sense.
Was it true what P'Ohm said . That Jess and her dad were brainwashing me. This is so hectic ! Ugh!

I looked at the figure huddled at my bedside.  Porcelain skin , flushed cheeks and long brown hair curtaining the delicate feathers . A mess but a glorious mess in the aftermath of having sex. It was one of those days where she would be too worn and fall asleep in my bed, careful enough to slip out to her own room before dawn, so she wouldn't be caught. It was one of those moments,  where I actually felt the need to be intimate with her, with someone, the nagging feeling to tell people how you feel, to have your desires understood, known and acknowledged. Maybe I did want yo give dating a chance with her.

My mind was muddled up. I needed a breath of fresh air. I finally decided I wanted to take a walk and slowly left my room, covering Jess's naked body up with the covers , so she wouldn't be cold.

The long corridor looked at peaceful as ever, with moonlights creating an illusion of light and darkness in the empty hallways. I passed Wren's room, then Ohm's bedroom and reached the smaller room with the new occupant.
The doors were opened as I noticed a hidden figure sitting on the bed. I could hear a faint sob from that very direction and when I peeped in , it was the boy.

He had been back from the hospital 2 days back after staying there for 2 days. Hadn't really spoken to him after that day and considering the lash Ohm and I had, I was pretty mad at him for some reason. Fluke had just told me he had a bad allergic reaction because Ohm and I weren't on talking terms of course but I'm not sure if he had told his mate about it. What a baby- god I shook the thought aside as I quietly walked in and sat beside him on the bed.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now