🥦6.The meet🥦

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I heard someone knock at the door and nong Fluke popped in his head to let me know about the new omega boy who I had ordered to be brought here. I asked him to let him in and that Fluke should go get some rest, while I would talk to this boy who had already tried to run away once.

I was sitting at my desk , doing some paperwork when I saw the boy walk in. He appeared to be an shy , cautious and big doe eyes and a pair of plump lips.
The alpha within me whimpered at the sight of him, wanting to touch him, but I was restrained myself. I had ofcourse seen him once already,  when he was trying to escape and by luck i reached in time or God knows what would've happened.  My minions ate really of no use. Can't handle a 17 year old boy.

I'm usually really great at self control since most of my work requires handling poor omega women amd their empowerment and all, although people definitely don't realise that because when they say "Mafia', people can only imagine guns and crimes.

However I prefer to keep my physical urges apart from my professional life.  And ofcourse there are men and women lining up for me , ready top spread thei legs for me and since I wasn't mated yet, casual sex was the only choice. Relationships felt like burden.  I like to keep it plain and simple however something about this boy made my inner alpha, Win , howl in protest,  ready to shift and come to life, taking everything in me to hold him back.  I know it's not the boy's fault but for some unknown reason it made me feel angered towards him.
Nothing staggers my self control.
Not some puny omega atleast.

I watched the boy as he walked in and stood in front of me, he was still in his school uniform with some of his buttons ripped and he kept uncomfortable shifting on his feet and he looked at me.

"Come and sit here" I pointed to the chair on front of me.
He did so and I could feel my eyes follow every step he took, literally every one of his breath,  his movement felt palpable to me, like a buzz in the ear, a tingle under the skin,  ny mark burning on my cold skin, could it be- no no I would've known then.

"What's you name?"

"Prem. Prem Warut"he gulped and looked down. He sat so small inside the big armchair, appearing like a rolled up ball of fur. I could practically smell his fear and his level of discomfort.

"Okay Prem. Not much to say.  You'll have dinner with the family tonight since it's your first day,  and I guess you're used to eating with your family so I don't want to be really harsh on you the very first day"
I said, trying to sound as cold as possible but something in his doe eyes made me feel something deep and sad, I could almost feel his emotions as though it were mine own but the next moment he blinked and looked up- and the tingling sensation was gone.

"Ahm. I-I don't.  I always ate eat alone but I'll do whatever suits you."he said in a small voice, almost in a whisper.

"Yeah cool. Stop trying to act all pricey. Eat with the family today, every new member eats with the family.  From the next day, do whatever you want"

Prem wasn't really acting pricey, but he kept quiet. He just said the truth. Never once had he eaten as a family since his mom left the world ten years ago. Ever since then, he would eat alone every night in his room or maybe at the cafe down the street and quietly go to bed, expecting to somehow escape his dad's physical abuse every night. If he could manage to go top bed without a slap, it would be added top his lucky day list,  which he would write im his diary and tell his mom , who he believed could hear each of his words,  from the stars that twinkled , an innocent habit that slowly faded away with time.

On his birthdays, he would bring his own cake, a small muffin or maybe cupcake and blow his candle alone until two years back when Earth became his friend and they started spending their birthdays together.

The silence was broken when Boun spoke up again

"I see you're not changed yet, ask Fluke to get you some clothes,  or if you've brought your own ones, go change into them and come for dinner in half an hour. As for your room, they told me you were unconscious and sleeping in the guest room. Wait till after dinner. We'll assign you one. You can move in there. You'll have a private tutor who teaches other kids of the pack and will teach you once a day for 3 hours according to your need. As for your wolf, practice sessions for omegas and betas and alphas are conducted so you'll join them as well.
I hope you've had your first shift?"

"Yeah I did , two years back but I-I can't to school? My friend is there-"

"Did you not hear me? I said what I had to.  Now go back to your room . Disobedience can lead to serious consequences.  Don't tell me later that I didn't earn you"Boun growled to which Prem got scared and as an impulse whimpered and flinched at his words causing the older to quickly change his demeanour.

It shouldn't be in the nature of a good alpha to terrorise an omega. That was seen as a disgrace but many alphas took unwanted advantage of this and overpowered their omegas,  even physically harming them sometimes.

  Prem got out of the chair and scuttled out of the room, without another glance at that nasty man shouting there- inside but before that he froze on hearing that voice again.

"And listen boy, I heard what you did back there. You try to pull those stunts again, and I'm gonna lock you up in a room and keep you in there forever"

He was terrorised at those words, at the same time he wanted to kill this loathsome creature.  As an instinct,  he tried to growl at the threatener but it came out more as half a  whimper half a growl.
Embarrassed at his own weakness amd vulnerability,  he quickly shut the door with a loud thud and ran to the room where he knew he would find Fluke.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now