🥦2: "father"🥦

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Prem walked into the house and was astonished to see two men in suits pointing at a gun at his father.

His first instinct was to run away. Next to go up to his room and shut the door close. But he knew he couldn't leave his dad alone. No matter how much he hated this man for treating him like shit everyday, and inspite of wishing every night that he would vanish the next morning when he woke up he knew he just couldn't abandon him or let him die in front of his eyes.

He ran into the room and shouted "Dad!" As he stood guard in front of him.

"Who are you guys! And what so you want from him!?!"

"Move away kiddo! If you don't wanna be hurt. I won't hesitate a moment before I shoot through your chest into his. Do you know what your father has done!?"

Prem shook his head violently, his eyes wide from fear.

"He gambles with poor men and forced then into selling their wife and children until they're bankrupt. And then he even rapes some of them"

Prem's eyes grew wide at the words. He was filled with disgust and was repulsed strongly by this man he called father. He knew he wasn't a good man. But this? He had never imagined in his wildest dreams.

"And we're not even here from that. He borrowed fifty thousand baht from our boss and now refuses to pay it. This scumbag!"

"I-I'm gonna pay back as soon as I get some money!!! "

"No we want it right now. Either give it to us or get ready to die. MOVE BOY!"he shoved Prem out of the way to stand face to face to his dad.

"Umm..wait...can we have a deal?"the man Prem was calling deaf suddenly spoke up.

The men eyed him suspiciously.

"What deal?"

"Well my son here, Prem, he's seventeen" he pulled Prem towards him "really good and useful boy."

"So?"the men scoffed

"I mean,  Why don't you take him instead !? I'm sure he won't disappoint you"he said after a pause.

"What would we do with a fucking boy!? We want the money!"the alphas barked.

"Trust me. He'll be worth the money or even more. He'll clean up, wash clothes, cook and scrub and do whatever you ask him to...you know...maybe even keep you alphas satisfied"he smirked.

Prem's head started to reel. His ears were buzzing at what he just heard.
He couldn't believe his own father was just selling him off and giving the men permission to even probably rape him or do whatever with him. He couldn't believe his eyes and ears! This man! This man that he ran to help a few moments ago! His own father! How more dirty or shameless could he be , Prem really wanted to see to what limit he could go!!

His legs became jelly and he thought he was about to fall down when he came to his senses at the two alphas' words.

"I think that is acceptable. But we'll keep your under watch! If you dare to run away we'll hunt you down! And you won't be able to see your son anymore. So give it a final thought because after this there's no going back!"

"Oh yes! He's all yours. Take him"he pushed Prem forward and he fell into one of the men's hands and pushed back to stand up on his feet in disgust.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to make decisions for me!? I'm not going anywhere with these scumbags!"he shouted

"Boy! Watch your words! "One of the men growled and grabbed him by his collar while the other pushed the pistol to his temple.

"Now be a good boy and go upstairs and pack your bag with some clothes. Our master's been waiting for long already!"

Prem's omega instincts took over him instantly as he cowered and hunched in his shoulders, trembling with fear. Reluctantly he walked upstairs and took off the school bag which was hanging on his shoulders. He emptied his bags of the scrapings and other stuff and kept in some of his books, then put in a tshirt, a pair of trousers , a comb, and a tiny pocket knife that he always kept in for his safety, along with a photograph which had the picture of a woman with a baby in her arms. He kissed the picture and softly sobbed.

"Mom, nothing of this would have happened if you were here with me" then putting all those inside, he took a final look at the room that he once called his own, and then walked out, banging the door close from outside.

||SOLD|| A bounprem omegaverse story(in Collab With Astringentlysweet)Where stories live. Discover now