chapter 8 - Eli

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     "What is it?" Zayne asked Noah as he sighed. This is going to take a while.

     "You're meeting him again? Why are you going to see him again? No, before that, what did you do at the place last night? Did he do anything to you? Can't you just tell me, please. He's a dangerous guy, you can't just keep meeting him like that. What if he does something to you? He's not safe to be around, you should stop meeting him. I'm serious, stop meeting him before it's too late!" Noah pours everything out, he was holding it in since he saw Zayne this morning.

     Zayne chuckled, he hasn't been spending as much time with Noah anymore. His nagging was a little bit refreshing, though Noah wasn't wrong. Adrian is a dangerous man and Zayne knew he should stop meeting him.

     "Slow down and can't you speak a little softer, I don't need the whole station knowing." Zayne told him as they got to his seat. The box of donuts he bought this morning was on his table.

     "You got donuts? You better tell me what happened, the donuts are even coated in chocolate and stuffed with strawberries. I haven't seen those in a while." Noah said as he opened the box. He grabbed a donut and started to eat, not even bothering to ask for it.

     "You... I... fine. But after work, I'm not telling you anything here." Zayne sighed and took a donut for himself. Maybe Zayne is going to tell him.

     "You better tell me. Also, about work, remember the kid you brought in from the previous deal. You know he can't stay forever, they are already looking for any family members or relatives or anything like that." Noah speaks in between bites.

     "That's going to take a while, he's going to be staying here until then right?" Zayne asked as he finished the donut he had in hand and used a tissue to grab another.

     Noah nodded at him as he walked off. "You know he has a name, just call him Eli. I'm going to go see him, want to come?" Zayne asked him.

     Noah hurried after him as he stuffed his donut into his mouth. "I'm not good with kids, I'll just wait outside for you. Then we can get off work and you can tell me everything." Noah said. He really wasn't going to let Zayne get away.

     Zayne waved him away and went in. "Zayne!" Eli exclaims and runs to him. "Woah, woah. Slow down buddy." Zayne chuckled as Eli ran into him.

     Eli wrapped himself around Zayne as he walked to the table. "Is that a donut?" Eli asked as Zayne placed it down on the table. His eyes were sparkling.

     "It's for you. Here." He slid the donut over to Eli. Eli happily grabbed it and started eating. He made a mess all over his face and hands.

     "Is it good?" Zayne asked him as he watched him eat. Eli nodded as he said with his mouth filled, "yesh, ish rwelly good." He's so cute, Zayne thought and he smiled.

     "It's my favourite. I'll bring you some more the next time I come okay?" Zayne tells him as he got up.

     "You're going already?" Eli stopped chewing as he looked up at Zayne, pouting a little. "Yeah, I have something to do now. I'll come back soon okay?" Zayne ruffled his hair and said.

     Eli lightly nodded, obviously still sad. "Come on Eli, I really have to go. Don't look so sad." Zayne said. Eli ignored him and continued to eat his donut.

     "I'll tell you what. Do you want to get ice cream? I think I can bring you out for a bit." Zayne says, it would also be a good excuse not to tell Noah.

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