valentine day special

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14 February

Zayne held a bouquet of roses and was standing at Adrian's door. Maybe he should've called ahead or not come at all. He was starting to have second thoughts.

Yesterday, Zayne called Noah to ask what he should do for Valentines. He wanted to do something for Adrian but didn't know what. Noah suggested this so here he is. Zayne decided that since he was already there, he might as well go in.

He pulled the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. One of the maids saw him come in and informed him that Adrian was still in his room.

Zayne made his way up the stairs and stopped again in front of the door. He looked down to make sure his clothes looked fine and adjusted the bouquet in his arms. Then he knocked twice.

A few seconds later, Adrian opened it. "Happy Valentine's Day." Zayne greeted as he thrust the roses over to Adrian, who just had his sweats on.

Adrian combed his hand through his hair before receiving the roses from Zayne. "Happy Valentines." He said back as they walked into his room.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Zayne apologized as he sat down on the bed. Adrian placed the flowers on his bedside table and walked over. "It's fine, I was supposed to be up anyway."

Zayne felt a bit bad and quite nervous as he sat there biting his lips. Adrian raised Zayne's head as his fingers pulled at Zayne's lips which made him stop biting.

"What are we doing today?" Adrian hummed. "Um, I have two tickets to the aquarium if you want to go? I mean we can go somewhere else if you want and - " Zayne started to ramble.

Adrian cut him off with a kiss as his fingers swipe across Zayne's cheek. Zayne subconsciously wrapped his arms around Adrian who then pulled Zayne up as their kiss deepened.

When Adrian pulled away, Zayne gave a little whine as he kept his arms around Adrian's neck. "The aquarium is perfect." Adrian whispered and placed a kiss on Zayne's cheek.

"I'll go take a shower and you can pick my clothes out, okay?" He continued. Zayne gave a nod and Adrian disappeared into the bathroom.

The moment Adrian was gone, Zayne put a hand on his chest and fell onto the bed. He could feel it beating so fast. He really was in love with this man.

After laying there for a while, he got up and opened the closet. Most of the clothes Adrian owned were suits and Zayne has only ever seen him in suits or shirtless.

After a bit of digging, Zayne finally found some clothes that were a little more casual and pulled them out. Adrian came out a while later and put the clothes on. He grabbed a pair of sunglasses from the drawer before heading out to the garage with Zayne.

"How about you drive today." Adrian suggested. Zayne looked so excited as he turned to Adrian to ask, "Which one?"

Adrian couldn't help but smile. "You choose." He said. Zayne went with the black Bugatti and off they went.

They walked around looking at all the fish in the tanks, took some pictures and had a great time.

Before they left, Zayne saw this Terrarium making booth and pulled Adrian over. "Can we make one?" He asked.

Adrian nodded and they both took a seat. A staff member was with them in a minute and gave them some instructions before letting them make their terrarium.

Adrian made a mess and Zayne was laughing at him. "I mean, it's not that bad." Zayne said in between chuckles.

Adrian sighed and rolled his eyes. He poured everything out and tried it again, with Zayne helping.

It looked a bit better than before. They called the staff that was with them before and she taught them how to close it.

When they were done she gave them paper bags to bring their terrarium back in. "I want yours." Adrian demanded.

Zayne's terrarium was surprisingly neat and pretty. Zayne hummed in thought before he passed Adrian his paper bag. "Give me yours." They swapped then headed back to the car. "I have somewhere I want to go." Adrian said as he opened the passenger door for Zayne.

Zayne sat down and looked up at Adrian. "Where is it?" He asked as Adrian leaned down and took a strip of cloth from the latch. "It's a surprise." He smiled as he placed the cloth over Zayne's eyes. He tied a small knot at the back of Zayne's head and closed the door.

"It's a bit dark." Zayne commented as Adrian got into the car. "Are you scared?" Adrian chuckled as he got the car started. Zayne grumbled, he didn't like the blindfold.

Adrian reaches over and took Zayne's hand in his and rested them on Zayne's thigh. "It's only a short while, I'll take them off later hm?" Adrian soothes as he started driving. Zayne could feel his cheeks heat up and he was actually glad he had the blindfold on.

The rest of the way, they sat in comfortable silence while Zayne fiddled with Adrian's hand. "We're here." Adrian announced as he cut the engine. "Wait for me, I'll open the door for you." He said before he pulled his hand away.

A moment later, Zayne felt the door open and Adrian's hand his arm helping him out of the car. "You're not taking it off?" Zayne asked as Adrian's arm snaked around his waist and started to lead him away.

"Adrian?" Zayne said uneasily when Adrian didn't answer. "Yea, I'm here. We're almost there, just a little more." Adrian says as he pulls Zayne closer.

Zayne nodded. He could feel a small breeze and it smelled like the sea. They were probably at the beach he thought. "Watch your step." Adrian said as Zayne stepped into sand.

Definitely at the beach. A while later they stopped. "Surprise" Adrian announced as he undid the blindfold. Zayne opened his eyes to find himself standing on a platform under rows and rows of lights strung across wooden poles.

Adrian walked to a speaker that was in a corner and turned it on. Slow music started to play and Adrian made his way back to Zayne.

He offered him his hand. "Care to dance?" Adrian smiled. It made Zayne's heart beat. He nodded and placed his hand on Adrian's. "But I don't know how."

Adrian pulled Zayne's arms and put them around his neck then placed his own on Zayne's waist. "Just follow my lead." Adrian whispered as he started to move with the music.

Zayne followed his movements and swayed along until the end of the song. Before the next song started, Zayne leaned onto Adrian. "Do you like it?" Adrian asked.

Zayne couldn't help but smile. "Of course I do. I love you."

a/n                                                                                                                                                                                              I decided to do a dancing thing since they missed out on that during the party. Also this chapter doesn't happen in the story, it's just a special chapter for VDAY. 

Happy V-day everyone!! 

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