chapter 25 - good night

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   If you move away I promise I'll never bother you again.

     Zayne squirmed slightly out of Adrian's hold and Adrian let him go. By now, tears were already falling down Zayne's face. He stood there as he bit his lips, thinking. "I'm sorry..." He heard Adrian whisper. He's really going to lose Adrian this time.

     Zayne hesitated a little before he turned around. "This doesn't mean I forgive you." He whispered as he threw his arms around Adrian, laying his head on Adrian's shoulder.

     "Oh..." Adrian mumbled as he brought his arms up to embrace Zayne. He pulled Zayne close and whispered into his ear, "I'll make it up to you." Zayne smiled as he locked eyes with Adrian. "You better." 

     He missed this, they both did. Zayne didn't know if he made the right choice, but at least now they'll be facing their problems together. "Is everything okay?" Aspen asked as he popped his head out from the corner with Astrid beside him.

     It had gone quiet so they came out to check on the two. "I think we're interrupting." Astrid giggled as they stepped into the living room and Zayne pulled away from Adrian.

     "You two made up?" Aspen asked as he gave Zayne a pat on his back. Zayne gave a slight nod as he glanced at Adrian. "I still don't know how the two of you know each other." Adrian raised his eyebrows.

     Aspen sighed. "It's quite late. Go wash up and go to bed. We'll talk about this tomorrow." He answered and pushed Adrian towards the toilet. Zayne started to pick up the glass pieces and Astrid came to help him.

     "They really do look the same." She whispered to him and did a little laugh. Zayne nodded. "But their personalities are totally different." He added.

     "So... how are you feeling?" Astrid asked after a moment of silence. Zayne smacked his lips together as he stood up. "I don't know? A little happy but kind of scared too, like I don't know what to expect." He confessed.

     "Maybe you should talk to him about it tomorrow. Now, go to sleep, I'll finish cleaning up." Astrid said as she pushed Zayne to go to his room.

     He nodded and left. Of course he was planning to talk to Adrian about it tomorrow, he wanted an explanation for everything.

     He opened the door to his room to Adrian. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he walked in and shut the door. Adrian was fresh out of the shower with only a pair of boxers on. "Aspen said you'd probably let me sleep here." Adrian shrugged.

     Zayne walked around Adrian to the bed. He took a deep breath as he sat down. "At least put some pants on." He complained, as he pulled the blanket over himself. It's been a while since he's seen Adrian like that.

     "No one else is here and you know I always sleep like this." Adrian chuckled as he walked over to turn the lights off before getting into bed.

     Zayne turned to face the other side. "Can I come over?" Adrian asked after a while. Zayne took a while to process, since when did Adrian ask his permission for anything.

     "" He mumbled before he heard some shuffling behind him. Then a moment later, he felt Adrian's arms slowly sliding over his waist. "What's the point of asking then?" He whispered as he leaned into Adrian.

     He missed this warmth. "What's the point of saying no?" Adrian replied as he pulled Zayne closer. Zayne didn't reply so Adrian continued. "Good night."   

short chapter but i felt like i should probably let yall know what happens next :)) I'll upload this weekend (i hope) 

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