chapter 26 - explanation

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   The next morning, Zayne woke up snuggled against Adrian. He rubbed his eyes and look up, Adrian was already awake and looking at his phone. "Mornin'" Zayne greeted, his voice rough from just waking up.

     Adrian looked down at him and smiled. "Good morning baby. Did I wake you?" Adrian mumbled as he leaned down and laid a kiss on Zayne's head.

     Zayne shook his head as he smiled into Adrian's chest. He missed this, waking up next to Adrian, feeling like all his problems didn't matter anymore. "It's still early, do you want to go back to sleep?" Adrian asked as he slid down to lie beside Zayne.

     "Are you going to stay here?" He asked back, their faces inches apart. Zayne could feel his face slowly heat up. Adrian hummed, "where else would I go," as he leaned down closer and closer until their lips met.

     Their kiss was long and slow, savouring the feeling of the other's lips on their own. When they finally broke away, Zayne smiled as he mumbled, "I missed you."

     "Me too." Adrian said, leaning back in for another kiss when the door suddenly flew open. Zayne smashed his hand onto Adrian's face and pushed him away. "Hey! Breakfast is..." Astrid broke off mid-sentence, realising she interrupted their moment.

     "Astrid! Can't you knock?" He exclaimed as he pulled the bed sheets off of himself. She rolled her eyes and knocked on the open door. "Happy now? Aspen told me to come tell you breakfast is ready."

     She looked from Zayne to Adrian and back to Zayne as a smirk appeared on her face. "Come down soon." She said as she turned on her heels. "Or not." She giggled before she left.

     Adrian chuckled at Zayne's embarrassment. "I don't know who that is, but I like her already." He said as he turned over to face Zayne who was sitting at the edge of the bed.  

     "That's my sister and this is her place." Zayne cleared his throat and introduced. He looked back at Adrian who was still smiling, making his face heat up even more. He threw the bed sheets over Adrian and stood up.

     "Come on, you heard her, breakfast is ready." Zayne said as he watched Adrian pull the sheets off and stand up. He walked over to the door but Zayne stopped him. "At least put on some pants." Zayne sighed and pushed Adrian back into the room.

     When they finally made it downstairs, Aspen and Astrid were eating already. There were two other plates for them at the table and they took a seat. "Oh you're here! We didn't know how long you'd take so we started first." Astrid greeted as Zayne slid into the chair beside her.

     Zayne elbowed her side. "See baby, I told you they wouldn't mind. We should've stayed in bed longer." Adrian teased as he took the seat opposite of Zayne. Zayne turned to look at him in disbelief as his face heated up again.

     "Both of you stop being so mean." Aspen said as he pushed Zayne's plate towards him. "Eat or it'll go cold." He said to Zayne which earned him a glare from Adrian.

     "Possessive much?" Aspen chuckled as he retracted his hand. "How did you two even meet anyway." Adrian rolled his eyes and sighed. "He confessed to me." Aspen chuckled.

     Zayne choked his food as he abruptly looked up at Aspen. "No, no I didn't." He rushed to say before Adrian could speak. Shaking his head, Zayne looked from Aspen to Adrian.

     "Technically I really didn't. I thought he was you so I didn't actually confess to him." Zayne added frantically but regretted it immediately. He cleared his throat and looked down at the food on his plate.

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