chapter 12 - drunken state

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helloo again ! Here's the new chapter but be warned, it has mature content. Enjoy;)!

"I win!" Zayne said. It was the first game and he had won. He grabbed the vodka bottle and poured Adrian a glass.

"Bottoms up." He said as he pushed the glass over. Adrian downed it in one gulp. Zayne was feeling good about himself. It was going better than he expected.

Adrian started shuffling the cards again and set the next round. Which Zayne lost. And the next and the next.

9 rounds in and Zayne lost 8. He wasn't very happy with that. "Again! Let's play another one." Zayne slurred a little as he downed his eighth glass.

"You said that two rounds ago." Adrian said and started to shuffle the cards. Zayne shook his head. "Last one. I'll win this time." He said, determined.

Adrian set out the cards and the game started. Zayne lost again. He poured himself a drink and downed it.

He wiped his mouth then looked down at the table. Adrian sat there and watched him.

Zayne took a moment before he looked up at Adrian. "It's not fair." He started to complain as he grabbed the bottle of Vodka.

Zayne started to pour another glass. "You can't win every game." He said as he lifted the glass towards Adrian.

Adrian just sat there and watched. Zayne got out of his seat and leaned across the table. He brought the glass to Adrian's mouth and poured the drink in.

Adrian drank it but some spilled out all. "Oops, sorry." Zayne said as he put the glass down. He brought his hand over Adrian's chest and wiped away the spilt Vodka.

When he was done, his eyes trailed up to Adrian's mouth. There was some spilt drink there too. Zayne hesitated before he started to pull back.

Adrian reached over and grabbed Zayne's wrist. "You missed a spot." He said as he gently brought Zayne's hand up to his chin.

Zayne let him as they locked eyes. Adrian slowly guided Zayne's hand up to his jaw. Zayne took a breath and bit his lips. He told himself that the vodka was messing with his head, that's why Adrian actually looked hot.

Zayne let Adrian move his hand across his jaw, wiping away the vodka. Adrian slowly started to move Zayne's hand up to his lips, which was parted a little.

Zayne's hand stopped at the parting and Adrian puckered his lips slightly. He started to suck on the tip of Zayne's finger, licking away the vodka on it.

Zayne felt his heart picking up it's pace as he looked at Adrian do what he was doing. Adrian eye's were still locked on him and his face started to redden. It was a nice shade of pink.

Adrian sucked off the vodka and let go of Zayne's hand. Zayne took a moment to react before he slowly retracted his hand and sat back down.

He stared at the table and blinked a few times. "What is it?" Adrian asked as he leaned back on the chair. Zayne didn't look up at him as he shook his head.

"You're really unfair." Zayne mumbled. Then it clicked inside his head, he remembered that he was going to tell Adrian that he was unfair. He suddenly moved his head up and looked at Adrian.

"This is what I'm talking about! You're always just doing what you want, it's not fair." Zayne burst out. Adrian looked amused as he stared at Zayne.

Zayne reached for the vodka bottle and started to pour another glass. Adrian took the bottle away. "That's enough." He said and put the bottle of vodka out of Zayne's reach.

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