chapter 14 - the tailor + dinner

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     Adrian chuckled and let Zayne eat as he excused himself to get something. He returned with a brown envelope, the same one from last time. Although this one had a lot more papers. Adrian sat back down and placed the envelope on the table.

     "The guy who's behind everything will be at a party next week. You can use the chance to catch him. But this is a very strict, invitation only party." Adrian started to explain.

     "So, we'd have to hook jobs." Zayne said between bites. Adrian nodded. "Yes, the contact person for hiring people at this party is inside the file. Give him a call and he'll arrange everything for your team."

     Zayne gave him a questioning glance. What does he mean his team, what about him. "Coincidentally, I happen to be invited. And they allow plus one's. So you won't have to hook a job, just follow me." Adrian explained. It makes sense.

     "Right, thanks." Zayne said as he processed the information. Plus one. That means as a date. Zayne choked on his waffles and took a sip of water.

     Maybe Adrian didn't mean it like that, did he? Adrian gave Zayne a moment to compose himself. "Right..., um I'm going as you're plus one, like for work right or like for..." Zayne looked up at Adrian for an answer. Adrian pursed his lips and was trying to not laugh. It didn't work he burst out laughing anyways. Zayne went bright red as he looked down again.

     "Both." Adrian answered and waited for Zayne to look back up at him before he continued. "Would you like to go to the party with me?" He said with a smile on his face.

     Zayne blinked a few times and looked down again before he nodded. Adrian chuckled as he got out of his seat.

     He walked over and took the empty plate in front of Zayne and put it in the sink. "Come on, get dressed." He said and helped Zayne up.

     "I can walk myself." Zayne said as he pulled away from Adrian. Adrian let Zayne off and walked back to the room by himself and took out a set of clothes for Zayne.

     Zayne took his time strolling over, calming himself while he did so. "Here wear these for now, I'll get you some new clothes later." Adrian said as he pointed to the set of clothes on the bed.

     Zayne walked over and picked up the pair of pants. "I thought you said nothing would fit me." He grumbled as he started to change into them.

     Adrian shrugged. "The view's nicer like that." He said as he walked out the room. Zayne gone quiet and followed behind Adrian all the way out the door.

     Jay was standing there beside the car. When he saw the two some out, he opened the door for them. Adrian walked down the steps and stopped, turning to Zayne.

     Jay looked at Adrian confused then looked to Zayne who was also confused. "Get in." Adrian said as he stood to the side, making way for Zayne.

     "Oh." Zayne mumbled as he got in, Adrian following behind him. Jay closed the door and got into the driver's seat.

     "Where are we going?" Zayne asked as Jay started to drive. Adrian didn't turn to him and continued to stare out the window. "My tailor."


     "What are we doing here, I don't need clothes. And I definitely don't need you buying clothes for me." Zayne complained as Adrian dragged him along into the shop.

     It was a very high-class shop. Zayne looked around, it made him uncomfortable, he doesn't fit there. Not like Adrian cared anyway. "Mr Lorenzo, good afternoon. What can I help you with." One of the working personnel approached them.

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