chapter 32 - daddy

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     "What did Noah say?" Adrian asked while driving to the location. "He'll meet us there but I didn't have time to explain too much." Astrid replied.

     "Does he at least know it's about Zayne?" Adrian checked to make sure. Astrid nodded. "Look, I'm really sorry-" Aspen starts to say. Adrian shook his head. "No just shut up. You can be sorry after we get Zayne back."

     They reach the location before Noah does. It's a street bar that's probably just the cover for their operations. "You stay here and tell Noah that Zayne's in there and that their human trafficker target is in there too." Adrian told Astrid.

     "We're going to find Zayne." He told Aspen and they entered the bar. They made their way to the back and found a flight of stairs that led down.

     Downstairs, there were another bar, a stage and several tables. But it was relatively empty. "What the hell?" Adrian sighed. They're at the right location but where is Zayne.

     Adrian took another look around and saw someone going into a door by the stage. He walked over and they went in. The room looked exactly like the previous one but there was a lot more people here and everyone was watching the stage.

     It was a live actioning event. "Seriously? I didn't know these things still existed." Aspen mumbled under his breath as they watched a little boy's bid go higher and higher until he was sold.

     Zachery was the one on stage auctioning them off. "We have a last minute addition today." He announces and Zayne gets dragged onto the stage.

     Adrian watched wide-eyed as the bid goes up. He was about to call for a higher bid when Aspen pressed him hand against his mouth. "Are you an idiot? He'll recognise us." He said and pulled him to the wall.

     "Sold!" Zachery announced and Zayne gets dragged off the stage. "Buyers please go through the doors by the side to collect your items."

     "I'll stay to tell Noah." Aspen said before Adrian went after the guy who bought Zayne. He walked through a set of doors to another area with several curtain rooms set up.

     He watched the guy walk into the last one and went in after him. Zayne was backed up against the corner, trying to get as far away from the man as possible. He had his hands tied together and his shirt was so torn that it was barely there.

     The man was about to lay his hands on Zayne when Adrian came over and hit him on the side of his neck which made him lose consciousness and fall to the ground. Zayne sighed out in relief and slid down onto the ground.

     "Took you long enough." He whispered. Adrian sighed and sat down beside him. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. He grabbed Zayne's hand and started to untie the knots. "Are you mad?" Zayne asked in a meek voice.

     He'd expected shouting or at least complaining and not no words at all. Adrian turned to look at him as he brought his hand up to caress Zayne's face. He let out a breath and shook his head.

    "I'm sorry." Zayne mumbled and leaned forward, burying his face into Adrian's neck and wrapping his arms around his back. He could feel Adrian's heart beating really fast against his chest.

     "Don't ever do that again okay?" He managed to say and pulled Zayne into a more comfortable position. Zayne hummed in response. "I knew you would come save me." Zayne peeked up at Adrian from his shoulder.

     Adrian gave him a slight smile and ran his hand over Zayne's back. "Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked just to make sure. Zayne shook his head and laid his head back down onto Adrian's shoulder.

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