chapter 22 - beach house

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     The next few days went by quickly. Zayne just sat in bed all day as officers came in and out, questioning him.

     "Where were you between 3 to 6 o'clock on Saturday?"

     "Who were you with then?"

     "What were you doing with him?"

     Typical interrogation questions. No matter how many times they would ask, his answer was always the same.

     "What is your relationship with Adrian Lorenzo?"

     This was the only question that stumped him. He stared at the officer as he thought of his answer. He didn't think they were dating but they aren't normal friends either. "We have no relationship."

     The officer wasn't really satisfied with that answer and continued to ask about the two of them. Zayne had no choice but to answer.

     Whenever he would ask about Eli, no one would answer him. They all said that it was classified information, Zayne could only hope that he was doing okay, that he was safe.

     The day before he was discharged, Astrid came and brought him some clothes. By then, his wound was already almost healed.

     "So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Astrid asked as she sat down. Zayne sighed, he was happy he was going to get out of the hospital but he wouldn't be free. He was still under suspicion.

     "Well, I'm suppose to show them where Adrian lives. After that they'll probably bring me to the station." He explained.

     "What about me then?" She asked again. Zayne shrugged. "You can probably come along, if you want." They would probably allow it and even if they didn't Astrid would find a way to tag along anyway.

     The next day, Dr Steven came by in the morning to give him a final check up before he got discharged. "You're ready to go. Remember to change the bandages everyday or so and we'll give you some pain killers just in case."

     "Thanks doc." Zayne said with a smile as he was handed some pills. Dr Steven chuckled. "You have to come back in two weeks for your check up, don't forget."

     Zayne nodded and waved as an officer came in to escort him out. Two weeks huh. He'd probably be in detention by then.

     The officer led him out of the room and into the hallway, where Astrid was standing in wait. "I'm coming." She announced and followed after the two. The officer spared her a glance before he continued his way.

     They walked out the front of the building and there were two black cars waiting. One was filled while the other only had the driver.

     They approached the second one and got in, the officer in front and the two of them behind.

     They reached Adrian's house in no time. "Is this where Adrian Lorenzo lives?" The officer confirmed with Zayne who gave a nod. The officer parked the car a distance away then killed the engine. "You stay here with them." The officer in the drivers seat said before he got out.

     Zayne watched out the window as the handful of them went up to Adrian's door. They knocked and the door opened, like always, with the butler was standing in the doorway.

     Zayne wondered if Adrian was going to be okay as the officers were let in. "Hey, where are we going after this?" Astrid asked the officer in the car.  

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