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This one is a little harder to read so I have underlined the last work of each line for you! I'm also gonna try a spacing thing but I'm not sure if I like it or if you can tell the stanzas apart. Let me know if you can!

Calm, like the small blue waves splashing in the pool where I met him

My first glance at him, and I knew he wasn't like the rest of them

I knew that he knew more than most our age even cared to know

Though I do wonder if he knew how much his smile used to glow

I could imagine that he was the kind of boy to admire each star in the sky

And I'd bet you my every dime, that he lays awake at night, thinking of hours already gone by

I can't dream up the thoughts that cross his mind, what he thinks of the trees, each groove, every line

Though I do wonder if his thoughts ever shift dark, does he weep for the willows that die?

I can picture him now, with the furrow of his brow, finger on the trigger of time

Crouching, kneeling, twisting, turning, bitter sweet task, cherry wine

His eyes shimmer with the future flashes of his camera, all done with no dissent

Though oh how I wish he'd captured the moment I'd met him, that perfect, moment

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