I miss you

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I miss you so much
And I don't know if it hurt you 
I'm starting to forget your touch
And you're with someone new

I'm not one for complaining
But I don't think this is fair
Now you have her
And it's the one thing I can't bare

You look happy
And I don't know if she treats you well
But I hope she's better than me
I can never get close enough to tell

I know you liked me
But was it as much as I liked you
Because you look like you moved on
And now I have nothing to do

I think about the conversations
We had on the phone
I think this was my last chance
But I guess I'll never know


    This is about guy 1. I found some old ones about him. Now he means nothing to me. We arent on bad terms, he just doesn't have meaning anymore, which kind of makes me sad.

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