Deja vu

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I called a friend of mine today, to find out who he liked
I knew his answer, and, Unsurprisingly I was right
He isnt 100% sure but my feelings are being kept at bay
So I'll never be sure if I feel the same way

We talked afterwards, about some of our favorite things
When I hung up I rewinded and realized everything
We laughed and he made me smile, the way that you used too do
It all flooded back, breaking my titanium dam, it's always you

I cant do this again, not just because I dont want to break his heart
And just maybe this is supposed to be my fresh start
But for the first time in a long time I'm putting myself first
And the first phone call is a warning, then second is a curse

They will just keep happening, until he loses his interest
Since you left I have been too scared end our story, to finish
So I can't start my own story, which makes this all much worse
I know I must let go at some point, but now is too early, it all still hurts

I miss you, and I feel like I'm cheating on you
My heart is deceived into thinking it just might be true
But I know it's stupid and I'm not, we were never even a thing
Maybe it will go away, but right now it really stings

I think I might go insane with this whole situation going on
Why can't what happened just stay gone?
And I might just explode figuring out what to do
UntiI then, hope to get over this case of deja vu

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