chapter 2

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"kairi and y/n stop messing around" our english teach tells us

"it's not me" i say laughing "it's kairi"

"idc who it is just stop cause this is gonna bite your ass when we take the test"

all the students gasp as if they've never heard a cuss word

"you guys act like you don't cuss calm down" kairi says

ms. taylor laughs

"okay class settle down now" she says

she continues on with her lesson but i quickly lose focus when i feel something very heavy hit my head. i turn around and look down to see a math textbook.

wtf? i pick it up and open it to see kairi's name in it. i look behind me to see a laughing kairi.

"oh? hahaha" so funny i say sarcastically and throw the book back at him which makes a loud bang as it hits the floor

"okay y/n really? we don't throw books here. we're in high school" ms. taylor tells me "go to the office"

i stand up quickly

"wait no kairi started it" i defend

"sorry but i only saw you" she tells me

i turn around to kairi's table

"you guys better say kairi started it or i'll shove my foot up all your asses" i whisper

"raise your hand if you saw kairi start it" i tell them

and they raise their hand

"see ms. taylor. if i'm going to the office so should kairi"

"i'm her favorite she can't send me to the office"

"kairi and y/n both of you. office now please" she says laughing

"i will remember this" kairi says

he grabs his stuff as i do the same and head out the door

we walk into mattia with a red head.

"yuck that's disgusting" i say

"you're disgusting" the red head says

"she talks" i say

"yea can you leave now. shoo go away" she says

who tf?

"just for that. no" i say

"what" she says

"yea what?" kairi says

"actually nvm i'll go" i tell her

"thank you" she gives a fake smile

"and i'm taking your boyfriend with me!" i say grabbing mattia by his wrist

"you can't do that wtf" she yells out

"who's gonna stop me?" i reply as we walk away

"if you wanna make out just say so" mattia says

kairi starts to laugh

"nasty" i say "she's annoying i don't like her already"

"why cause you like me" mattia says with a smirk

"you must really love yourself huh"

"no he loves you" kairi says with a smile

we both look at him but mattia seems to be a little more mad

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