chapter 30

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"hey y/n uh can i ask you a question?" vinnie asks leaning on the locker next to mine

"sure what's up" i ask

"um i know it's soon but i really like you a lot
y/n and i was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" he says very nervously

"uh under one condition" i say

"what's that?" he says

"you have to be my boyfriend" i say smiling

"ew you're so cheesy" vinnie says smiling

i giggle and kiss him

"it's official" i say

"it's official" he says smiling

"why are we so smiley" mattia asks coming up from behind vinnie and putting his arm around him

"yea what's the occasion" alejandro asks

"hey alejandro, hey mattia" vinnie says

"sup" they say


"yea so why are we smiley" alejandro asks

"uh it's official" vinnie tells them

"what's official?" ava asks coming up to us "hey baby"

she kisses alejandro

"we're official" i say smiling

"congratulations" ava says smirking "you got a hot piece of candy"

"yea congrats guys" mattia says

"hurt her we'll jump you" alejandro says patting him

"wait why are we jumping him" kairi asks coming up to us as well

"vinnie and y/n are dating now" ava fills him in

"oh nice congrats" he says "hurt her and i'll use my dads gun on you"

"hey that was kinda scary olaf what's next? you gonna throw snowballs at him?" mattia teases

we all laugh

"shut the fuck" kairi tells him

"make me" mattia shoots back

"that's what she said" alejandro says causing kairi and mattia to laugh

"nice one" kairi says

"they're literally 5 year olds in teenage bodies" ava tells me

"i know it's sad" i say

"hey i'll uh see you around" vinnie says kissing my cheek

i nod and smile as he walks away

"you can not act that way around him idiots" i tell them

"why not" mattia says "it's not hurting him"

"but you're embarrassing me" i say

"then we're doing our job" alejandro says

"hey on the bright side if we continue to do this no guy would wanna date you" kairi tells me

"why is that good for her dumbass" ava asks

"no it's good for us" alejandro asks "we don't have to go through the trouble of embarrassing her"

"yea well wait til you 2 get girlfriends" i say "it's easy for alejandro cause all he ever does is embarrass himself"

"no i don't" he says

"yes you do" i say

"no i don't"

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