chapter 13

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i clean up the glass on my floor and throw it away. after that i get into the shower. i get dressed and walk out my bathroom to see ava in it

"y/n" ava looks up tears in her eyes

i look over at my door and see geroge

"what happened at the party" she asks

"what" i say low

"did z-zach rape you" she asks

i stand quiet and gulp

"y/n" she says

"why is he here" i ask

"he's the one who told us" she says

"us? told?" i say "you knew geroge?"

he clears his throat

"zach told me he was gonna get at you he never said he was gonna do that" he tells me

i start to cry

"i'm so sorry y/n" he says "if i knew he was gonna do that i would've stopped him"

"it's uh it's okay" i say smiling at him while tears are falling from my face "but who's us"

i ask ava

"mattia and them" she says

"where are they" i ask

she shrugs "they left after geroge came"

mattia's pov

"he fucking what" i say angrily

"look man i would've stopped him if i knew he was gonna do that. he didn't say he was specifically gonna do that" geroge tells us "that's why she was beating on gabriel"

"gabriel did it too?" ale says with his jaw clenched

"no. they held her down while zach did it" he replies

i pace back and forth angrily. murder is on my mind.

"who the fuck are they" i say

"gabriel and alex"

"give me there fucking address" i say "i want it now"

"mattia" ava says "just wait until y/n comes out"

"no" i yell "geroge give me his address now or i'll beat it out of you"

he gets his phone out and shows me his address

"where are my keys" i say

"mattia you can't just leave" ava says

"are you coming with me or not" i ask them

kairi and ale stand up and get their jackets

"stay here with her" i tell ava

back to y/n

"y/n once again i am so sorry" george says

"it's fine geroge really" i tell him

he smiles lightly "ima go home"

i nod as he walks out and now it's just me & ava

"are you okay" she says with tears in her eyes

"i'm fine" i say "and i know you're thinking that this is you're fault ava but please don't think that. it's not your fault what so ever"

she gets up and hugs me

"no more parties for us" she says

i laugh "no more"

we hear the front door open and i'm guessing it's the boys. my bedroom door opens and it's just alejandro and kairi.

they both ran to me and tackled me into my bed

"ow i'm still a tiny girl" i say

"you're okay" ale says with his watery eyes

"i'm okay" i tell them

"you're never leaving my eyesight at parties again" kairi says

"nice can you guys let me breathe tho"

they get off of me and smile

"are you really okay tho" alejandro asks me

"yea" i say smiling back

few hours later everyone left. it's just me now. i sigh. i wish my mom would come home already but her stupid trip is for another month. and angel won't be back til next month either. as i'm walking downstairs i hear a knock on my door. i open it and see mattia.

he walks in and i close the door

"um are you okay" he asks

"yea uh i'm fine" i answer back

"alright" he says

he walks past me and opens the door

i scoff "really mattia"

"what" he says in a low voice

"you're walking away" i say "you keep avoiding me"

he closes the door and turns around but doesn't say anything.

"can you say something" i say

"what the fuck do you want me to say" he yells

"i don't know maybe fucking help put aside our differences" i yell back

"y/n you were raped and all you're worried about is me being mad at you" he says "are you fucking kidding me"

"i said not to go with him and you still did" he yells

"oh so you're blaming me for getting raped" i say tearing up

"no y/n i'm not" he says "i'm blaming myself because i had the power to stop you from going with him and i didn't"

"i knew you were drunk and i knew you're a lightweight and i let you go away with him" he yells

i cry harder

"it's not you fault"

"yes it is y/n. there's no one else to blame but me. and cause of me you were raped" he yells

"you didn't fucking know he was gonna do that" i yell back

"he did it cause of me" he yells

i look down crying.

"y/n. just stay out of my life" he tells me

"w-what" i say while my voice breaks

"after i leave this house you gotta stay away from me" he says

"mattia" i say crying

he turns around and walks out.

next day

i walk into school with ava

i immediately see zach and he's bruised up everywhere, he has a black eye and a busted lip.

"what happened to him" i ask

"the boys happened" she answers "uh after they heard what zach did they went to his house"

"mattia did most the damage" ava says

"no the fuck i did not" he says walking past us

"you're not gonna hang with us" ava asks

he shakes his head and continues to walk away.

"he did do most the damage" kairi says

"he got the most hits in" alejandro adds in

"he's moody" ava points out

my eyes are still on mattia. i watch him walk to his locker and see mina. he kisses her. what are they? dating or something. god what does mina see in mattia.


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