chapter 11

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i go downstairs quickly and bump into ava

"omg y/n there you go! i was looking for you" she says "here take this with me"

"what is it?" i ask as i grab it

"a bloody mary shot" she says laughing

i laugh along too

we take the shot and i quickly regret it. after swallowing it i start to cough

"that was hella strong" i say making a sour face

"i know but it felt good" she says

"y/n" a voice says

i turn around "oh hey mattia"

"are you okay?" he asks

"yea why wouldn't she be" ava says putting her arm around me

"babe come here" ale calls for ava

"oo i'll be back and when i get back we're doing more" she says smiling

i smile back

"why are you mad" mattia asks

i turn my back around and walk to the kitchen

i grab a shot and quickly take it

damn these are strong as fuck

"can you speak to me" he says

god i wanna sock him in his face right now

i grab another one and drink that too

"if it's about mina i'm sorry" he says

i turn my head to him

"you were about to have sex with her" i say sarcastically "so what big deal"

"so you're not mad about that" he asks

i grab another one and drink it once again

"can you go easy on those" mattia asks

"why?" i say "you don't think i can handle it?"

"y/n what? i never said that" he says

"sounds like it" i say

"hey everyone" i yell "my friend wants me to take it slow on shots cause he thinks i can't handle it"

"boooooo" they chant

"y/n you're drunk come on let's get you home" he tells me

"i don't wanna go home" i say

i grab the vodka bottle and open it

"i'll show you drunk" i say

i hold the vodka bottle up to my mouth and chug it down quickly

after that i start to cough a lot

"holy shit that was strong as fuck" i say regretting it

mattia slaps his forehead and sighs frustrated

"y/n come on dude let's go" he tells me

"i don't wanna fucking go anywhere with you" i say

zach's pov

"bro you still eyeing down y/n" george asks me

"she's reckless" i say "she's drunk as fuck"

"she's hot when she's mad huh" george asks me

i nod "she's hot all the time"

"you think she'll sleep with me?" i ask

"nah she's been getting into it with mattia" he says

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