chapter 25

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i wake up and see mattia isn't here. he probably left after i fell asleep, it's whatever. i go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my clothes on.

i run downstairs and see kairi and ava on my couch

"oh hey" i say

they look up from their phones and their jaw drops

"how did you end up with more hickeys then you did yesterday" she asks

"mattia said you guys were gonna have sex but your mom came in" kairi says smirking

"um yea" i say not caring

"here let me help you cover those" ava says

she gets the make up out her back pack and start to blend it into my neck.

"there you go" she says stepping back "now you look normal"

i smile at her "where's alejandro"

"he had to show the new students around with mattia" she tells me

"they both had to go?"

she nods "3 new students came today"

"we have to show the boy around tho" she tells me "he's an exchange student"

i nod understanding

"omg kairi how was your date??" i ask him

"bad" he says "she talked way to much"

i giggle "you'll find the one soon"

"nah i think ima just stick to being single" he tells me

skip to school

ava went to go find alejandro, kairi had to go to the office for something, and i'm at my locker putting my books back. i look at the paper the office lady gave me to find the exchange student. oh it's somewhere around mattia's locker

as i make my way there i hear a lot of whispers

"omg have you seen the new kid?" i hear a girl say

"i'm so gonna make him mine"

"he's so hot"

i get to the lockers and see mattia. making out with a girl. what a dog. i didn't care a few minutes after cause we're not dating. he's single i'm single i can care less what he's doing. i walk past them and see a kid i never seen before

"hey um are you the new student here??" i ask

he turns around and smiles

"uh yea"

oh. my. god.

he's wow. he's definitely not someone you see every day.

"uh i-i'm y/n" i say putting my hand out

"i'm vinnie" he says smiling and shakes my hand

omg his teeth are so perfect and white

and his curly blond hair along with his rings

"um let's go" i nervously say

i turn around and bump into a pole

"ow fuck" i say

this is so embarrassing

he laughs "are you okay?"

i turn myself to him and nod

"yea i'm good let's leave" i say not wanting mattia to notice me

we walk away from them and i take him to the quad

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