chapter 3

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"hey so what happened? did they let you back in?" i ask angel

he smiles brightly

"yup and i'm team captain again" he says

i smile too and hug him

"that's great angel! you're doing good so far" i say

ava walks up to us

"hey you guys ready?" she asks us

"we're missing your brother" angel reminds her

"fuck i forgot about him" she says

"i'm right here relax" mattia says walking up to us with a cigarette in his hand

he then hands it over to angel and angel starts hitting it

i quickly grab it out his hand and light it out

"are you guys idiots" i say

"mattia" ava says slapping his head

"why'd you do that?! that was my last one" mattia replies

"i don't care stop smoking these cancer sticks" i tell him "and you"

i say to angel slapping him on his head

"since when do you smoke"

"can you not" he says rubbing his head

i turn to mattia and slap the back of his head too

"wtf is up with you girls hitting our heads" he says

"give me the cigarettes" i tell him

"you wasted my last one dumbass"

"good. give me the lighter" i demand

"i'm not giving you shit" he says

i go up to him and dig into his pocket

"y/n that's my dick" he says laughing

i gasp and take it out quickly

"i'm kidding" he says still laughing "oh god you should've seen your face"

"so what was it" i ask still shocked

"the lighter dumbass my dick isn't that small"


he takes it out his pocket and throws it to me

"alr that's enough flirting" ava tells us

"we're not flirt- okay yes let's go home" i say

we get into her car and drive away. i noticed she drove passed the street i live on.

"wait where we going?" i ask ava

"my place" she says laughing

"cool" i say not having a problem

not to long we get to her place. their parents passed away 2 years ago in a plane crash so now they're on their own. they're able to pay rent because of all the money their parents make. i'm not saying their lucky but it's good that they can survive on their own.

we walk into her house and i crash down on their couch

"you don't wanna go up to my room??" ava asks me

"no i'm fine here" i mumble

"ima take a shower real quick and i'll be down okay?" she says

i nod closing my eyes

"we'll be upstairs in my room" mattia tells me

"no smoking" i say

they just laugh and head on upstairs. i felt my eyes get heavy. soon enough i was knocked out.

a hour later...

i feel someone sit down next to me. i didn't care enough to wake up cause i was tired but then they pulled the blanket off me. so i opened my eyes and it was kairi.

"oh were you sleeping?" kairi asks

"were you sleeping" i mock him "was i fucking sleeping"

he laughs

"you fucking idiot" i say throwing the pillow at him

"oh you're up" mattia says walking in

"yea cause your friend wanted to snatch shit off of me" i say laying back down

they both laugh

"it's 8 already it was time you wake up" kairi tells me

"maybe i didn't wanna wake up so early"

"y/n! y/n! y/n!" ava says running downstairs happy

"ava! ava! ava!" i say matching her energy

"there's a party next week saturday" she tells me

"and" i say

"we're going!!" she says

"noooo way" i say "i don't wanna be the one who has to watch everyone"

"who said you had to watch us?" mattia says

"yea you can drink with us" she says

"it'll be fun" kairi says "especially after the year you had"

i sigh "fine. but i'm only there for a hour"

"you're boring you know that" mattia says

"you're dumb" i reply back

"you're- you're..... tiny" he finally says

"like your dick"

kairi and ava laugh

"my dick is not tiny" he says standing up "i can prove it if you would let me"

"i'm not gonna be your one of your one night stands"

"who said you're gonna be a one night thing"

"i won't?"

"nope it can be a two night thing" he replies

"yea even worse" i say "but ava can you take me home"

"yea sure. lemme go get my keys"

i nod as she heads upstairs and i go into the kitchen to grab a water bottle but i feel someone pick me up and put me on the counter.

"yes mattia" i say

"why you playing so hard to get with me"

"i'm not playing. i just don't wanna be one of your little girlfriends"

"well no shit. you can be just my one" he says

"ha ha" i say "funny"

i hop off the counter and walk backwards

"bye tia i'll see you tomorrow"

i turn around and hit a wall

"ow. fuck" i say holding my forehead while mattia is over there laughing

"goodbye dork" he says heading into the backyard

fuck you

ava finally gets down and i say my goodbyes and head home.

skip to the next day


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