chapter 45

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"graduation is next weekkkkkk" ava says smiling brightly

i hate talking about graduation. mattia still doesn't know if he wants to move or stay here

"i know excited" alejandro says "we don't have to show up here everyday"

"yea and we can sleep in all we want" kairi adds in

i can't stop to think if mattia is actually gonna leave here and i'll never see him again after that

"are you okay?" mattia asks

i nod

"um did you decide what you're gonna do after graduation?" i ask

he shakes his head no

"it's okay" i say grabbing his hand "we'll figure it out"

he smiles and kisses me

"whatever happens i love you, okay?" he tells me

"through it all" i say kissing him back

"hey y/n have you decided if you were going to that college" ava says

i widen my eyes

"college?" mattia asks

"y/n got accepted into uc davis" ava tells him

"uc davis? wow" mattia says

i nod awkwardly

"didn't know about that" he says looking down

i sigh

"i was gonna tell you okay but you had a lot on your plate and i didn't wanna add more shit to it" i tell him

"no it's fine really" he says "you can go to uc davis and i'll be even more further from uc davis"

i sign and push my hair back frustrated as he walks away

"we'll check on him" ale says getting up with kairi

"i'm so sorry y/n i thought you had already told him that" she says "i'm really sorry"

"it's not your fault" i say "if anything you did me a favor"

"are you okay tho?" she asks

"i don't know" i answer "we don't even know what we're gonna do after graduation and it's next week ava"

"spend as much time as you guys can together" she says "just in case you guys do split"

mattia's pov

"she's fucking going to uc davis" i say "that's in fucking california. we're in new fucking jersey"

"mattia she didn't say it was for sure" ale tells me "calm down"

i throw my head back and sigh

"i had this whole thing planned out" i say calmly "i had a whole plan to tell her that i'm staying here and she goes and gets accepted to uc fucking davis"

"like ale said mattia she's not leaving" kairi tells me "she's y/n she can't live without you"

i sigh

i can't live without her either

skip to graduation

"today's the day" ava says

i give a weak smile

"what's wrong" she says

"angel wrote back. he can't make it" i say "which sucks but it's okay i guess"

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