Chapter one

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Chapter 1

The wind whipped through my hair as I galloped my reddish-brown mare through the forest.

I loved the feeling of galloping on trail, it made me feel free. I never thought of school or work, and definitely not abusive ex-boyfriends.

When I was riding, it was just me and my horse, Lady. Lady and I were going fast on the forest trail, leaping over logs and kicking up dirt.

I was so lost in the moment i was unprepared for when Lady came to an abrupt stop.

Luckily, I hadn't fallen off. I moved my upper body off of her neck and put my feet back in the stirrups.

Clucking my tongue to encourage her forward I focused on my hands. I adjust the reins to the correct length and gave a gentle nudge with my foot.

Realizing she wasn't moving I looked up. Standing in front of me were two enormous wolves. The biggest was almost as tall as lady and the second only a couple inches shorter.

Neither made a move towards me. I analyzed the wolves. The larger wolf had an all black pelt with blue eyes. The slightly smaller wolf had cocoa brown fur with blazing green eyes.

I found myself trapped in those green eyes. When Lady began to shuffle her feet I snapped out of my trance.

Cursing, I whispered to Lady quietly, "On the count of three girl." Moving her head so that her body began turning the opposite way of the wolves I started counting.

"One, two," We had fully turned around now. Both wolves had their ears perked up, looking excited. "Three!!" I shouted and dug my heels into Lady's sides.

She took off running. Tearing up the trail beneath us. We were going faster than ever before. I knew that we had to make it back home, my rifle was waiting right next to her stall.

I had left it there after I shot a coyote that ventured too close to the chicken pen. I snuck a quick glance over my shoulder. The black wolf followed behind me easily, but the brown wolf was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, the brown wolf jumped in front of us, blocking our way home. The wolf's appearance startled Lady, causing her to veer to the left. A five foot tall fallen tree stood sideways in our path.

"Sh*t Lady." I spoke. "Ok, ok. We can do this, come on girl." I whispered as I got into a two-point. I braced myself as we soared over the trunk.

I could see our grey barn. We were almost there. Lady's ears pinned and she bucked. I gasped and turned my head in search of the wolves.

The black wolf was nipping at Lady's feet. Thinking quickly I urged Lady to go faster with my heels and let one stirrup loose. I only had my foot in one stirrup and balance was hard to maintain.

We had reached the stables now. I could hear horses neighing, cows mooing and chickens clucking. I directed Lady to the open stable door.

As soon as her hooves made connected with the concrete floor of the barn, I threw the leg that wasn't in a stirrup over her back and dismounted.

Luck was on my side as I stuck my landing and took two large steps towards the half-loaded rifle. I picked up the rifle and aimed it at the door.

The large wolf made an entrance first. His head was the first thing I saw as he came barreling in.

The first shot rang out. I missed the wolf. "F*ck" I swore. "You need to leave." I spoke to the wolf when the other came into view. I pointed my gun at the brown wolf who was slowly advancing. The large wolf sat down with it's head cocked watching with...amusement?

No that wasn't possible. I'm seeing things. Focusing on the brown wolf I reloaded. It's green eyes watched me intently as I pointed to gun toward his head.

Staring into his eyes once again I felt safe. I had no idea why, but I did. I slowly lowered the rifle and saw his ears perk up.

"Alright. I won't shoot you, just don't eat anything. That includes me and the animals." I explained, even though I knew he probably couldn't understand.

The brown wolf took a cautious step towards me. I had a feeling that this wolf wouldn't hurt me. Insane, I know. Slowly I stuck my hand out like I would when greeting a new dog, knuckles up. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for a bite.

Instead the wolf sniffed my hand and licked it. I giggled and laughed harder when the wolf barked happily. Remembering the black wolf I snapped my head quickly to him and backed away from the brown wolf. This caused the wolf that had been sniffing my hand to whine lowly and step towards me.

The black wolf laid down on the floor without a care in the world. I sighed in relief. "Ok, you two need to leave." I said as I pointed to the door.

Neither wolf moved. The black wolf moved over to some hay and laid down again. This time closing his eyes. "Ok fine. Stay. But I swear to God, if you hurt a single animal, I will shoot you." I threatened them.

The black wolf didn't move an inch but the brown wolf growled almost inaudibly. "Be good...wolves, it's getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow." I didn't even know why I was explaining this. It's not like they could understand.

I spun on my heel and marched to where Lady had finally calmed down and was grazing. Deciding not to bring her near the wolves again, I took her saddle and bridle off. Hurrying to finish up because I was tired, I slipped her halter on and led her towards an empty pasture.

Taking the halter off again I laid it on the grass in front of the gate. Yawning loudly I walked to my back door. Opening the door all the way I whistled for my dogs to come in.

I was almost trampled when my Great Dane, Mouse and my Greyhound, Jessie came sprinting towards me. I had just about closed the door when a whizz of brown went passed me and into the house.

That's when the growling began. Mouse began circling the wolf and Jessie yipped from beside me. The brown wolf kept looking at me and then back at Mouse.

"Mouse. Not again. We have this problem every single time a stray comes in, go sleep in your dog house outside." I spoke in an authoritative tone.

Whining loudly, Mouse began to sulk towards the large doggie door in the actual door.

The dog house was actually at the bottom of the porch and I knew Mouse would come back into the house to curl up on my bed or the couch later so I wasn't worried.

Jessie followed Mouse outside as I started walking up the stairs. As soon as I reached my room I took my shirt off and threw it to the side.

I heard the wolf growl as soon as my pink sports bra came into view. Turning I glared at the wolf and slammed the door to my room shut. I said through the door "If you're gonna growl you'll have to sleep out there."

The growling instantly became whining and rolled my eyes. Quickly changing into my plaid pajamas and baggy shirt I pushed open the door. "If I let you in will you shut up?" The whining ceased.

I left the door open as I jumped into bed and curled up under the covers. The wolf leapt up after me and curled his body around mine. My queen sized bed felt very small with him on it.

Turning towards the wolf, I subconsciously gripped his fur and fell asleep.

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