Chapter four

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Picture of Blue

Chapter 4

Once I had gotten Lady from the pasture, brushed her, tacked her and fed all of my other 32 horses I got on and headed for the woods.

Surprisingly that only took 30 minutes. A new record for me. We started off at a walk and gradually got faster until we were galloping. I had been on trail for an hour now and didn't want to head back.

I couldn't get enough of the free feeling I got when riding. Slowing Lady to a walk I urged her towards the stream.

She dipped her head to drink from the stream. When she had finished drinking we turned around and headed home. It took me a little longer than it should of to get home because Lady was tired and I didn't want to push her.

I did my routine brushing and put her in her stall for the night. I wasn't ready to face my problems yet so I decided to start training the 14 year old black and white paint. Even though 14 isn't old for a horse, it isn't considered a baby.

I had named this horse Blue. Blue had been trained before but was neglected and abused. I had a soft spot for abused animals. Maybe it was because I knew how they felt, not doing anything wrong, and still getting hurt.

Blue was amazing when I saddled and got on him. He walked on when I asked and only tossed his head a little when we trotted. I thought I could push my luck today by asking for a canter.

Moving my left leg back I gently tapped the end of his rib cage. That set him off. His ears pinned against his ears and he went bucking.

I wasn't talking one foot thrown out or a simple buck and stop. I'm talking about bucking broncos. The kind I had ridden in rodeos and shows. We were flying around the arena.

I hadn't fallen off yet and called for Sam. "Sam! Get your butt out here!"

After a second or so I heard whooping and cheering

"Come on Blue! Throw her off! You can do better than that Callie!" Sam yelled.

Next thing I knew, I was flying in the air and twisting my body so I didn't face plant. Landing on my shoulder hard I groaned and rolled over.

"Yeah Blue! Good boy!" Sam cheered.

I laughed and began to sit up. Before I stood I rolled my shoulder and looked at the boys. Carter was extremely tense and Justin had a hand on his shoulder so he wouldn't move.

Justin laughed and spoke "If Callie ever gets thrown off, don't help her up unless she asks. It hurts the cowgirl's pride."

Sam broke out laughing. "Remember when Justin tried to help you that one time Callie?!"

"Yeah that's right. I kicked him in the family jewels after I pushed him away."

Carter was smiling now and Justin removed his hand to wince as he remembered the memory.

I whistled loudly. Hooves came thundering up beside me in the pasture next the arena. A pinkish muzzle came into my peripheral vision.

"Sam toss me the bridle!" I yelled. With inhuman speed Sam went to the tack box and was in front of me before I could blink.

"Well that was slow Sammy." I teased. I turned towards my all white cattle horse. "Alright Nitro, let's get this show on the road."

"Yes! I love this! I'm gonna go shift!" Sam spoke excitedly while turning around.

"Not until you put Blue away Sam. You threatened to throw me in the pond."

"But this is the best part. Oh come on. Please???"

Believe it or not Sam was actually 26, and Justin was 28. I was the youngest being 24.

"Not until Blue is put away. Hurry up or you'll miss it." I spoke in a strong voice.

"Fine." Sam pouted.

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