Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

I laughed like a maniac as I raced Carter. I was on Lady and he was in his wolf form. I knew he was going easy on me, but I was having to much fun to care.

"Come on Lady!" I hollered as I leaned forward. I was too lazy to put a saddle on Lady so I was riding bareback. Carter tried to convince me it was safer to ride with a saddle, but that only made me want to ride bareback more.

My heels dug into Lady's sides and she tossed her head, increasing speed.

I could see the lake Carter was telling me about. We had decided to race to there, he said I'd know it when I saw it. Boy, was he right.

I really wanted to win and at this rate I would lose. Smirking, I came up with a plan.

"Whoa Lady! Carter! Carter! Oh my god help me!" I dramatically bellowed.

Carter's wolf form was rushing back towards me before I could blink. Kicking Lady in the sides again I shouted over my shoulder when I passed Carter,

"I think I'm okay now."

Forgetting about Carter I focused on the lake in front of me. I wonder if Lady would run into the water. Nitro did it all the time at home, I've never tried it with Lady.

I kept at my galloping pace. Right before her hooves touched the water Lady stopped, sending me flying off her back and into the water.

I glared at Lady as she walked away to graze. Carter rushed toward me in human form. Thankfully he had shorts in.

"Are you ok?"

"Lady doesn't swim." I said still glaring at my horse.

Carter started laughing. I smiled but it vanished when I realized he was laughing at me. I was not something to laugh at.

"Excuse me, but I still won." I bragged. The laugher halted.

"You did not. You cheated."

My mouth dropped open.

"I did not cheat."

"Did too." He replied childishly.

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did."







"Are you calling me fat?!" I screamed, sloshing through the water, towards the bank and Carter.

"Wait, what?"

"You think I'm fat." His expression was priceless.

"What? No-"

I cut him off.

"So we agree. No, I didn't cheat and I'm not fat."

"I never said you didn't cheat."

"You said no, so it counts." I obnoxiously spoke. He rolled his eyes.


"Whatever, you sound like a teenage girl." Then I repeated again, "Whatever." In a high pitched voice.

"I'm not a girl." He tried to convince me.

"Well you sure so look like one."

I was pinned to the ground before I could add on to my comment.

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