Chapter twelve

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Chapter 12

"No shut up."

"You shut up."


"You're giving away our cover."

"Bella! Shut up!"

"Ok." That argument had been going on for the last thirty minutes. We were going to throw colored smoke bombs into Jack's office. He and Carter were having meeting.

I had a match in one hand and the bombs in the other. They would stain his walls pink and purple until he wiped them down. It would also stain their clothes and skin.

We would run away after we did it. My ankle was just a little sore but had healed for the most part.

Bella was about to push the door open, when it swung open by itself.

An annoyed Carter stood in the doorway, looking down on our crouching positions. Behind him was a tired Jack.

"Go Callie!" Bella shouted, sending me into action.

I lit both bombs and threw them in the office. Bella slammed the door shut and we sprinted out of the hallway.

Our names were being called from the office. We looked at each other before Bella grabbed my hand and ran towards the stable.

She threw her shirt off and kicked her shorts off after. My eyes widened as I caught her clothes.

"Bella! What are you doing." She stopped suddenly, smirking.

"Get on my back." She said before shifting. Bella was a gorgeous white wolf with brown ears.

I ran my hands through her hair as she crouched down. Hopping on her back I tucked the clothes under my body and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Giddy up." I laughed giving her a tap on the ribs. She growled playfully and took off running.

"Callie! Bella! Don't-" I didn't hear the rest because the wind filled my ears. I whooped and laughed as Bella picked up speed.

After running for an hour Bella stopped near the lake Carter and I had sat at and took a drink. She growled when I tried to shove her in.

She was too heavy so I ended up looking like an idiot.

"Let's be wolves." I declared as I puffed my chest out.

"Aaawwwwooo!" I howled with my head tilted up.

I stopped when Bella huffed and tried to cover her ears.

"Fine. You think you can howl better?"

She let her tongue roll out of the side of her mouth and tilted her head. A long beautiful song erupted from her muzzle.

"Ah! Stop it! You're cheating." I whacked her in the side just as growls came from around us.

Bella pushed me behind her wolf form and growled back. Four wolves came into view. Each slightly bigger then Bella.

"Bella, you've gotta call Jack and Carter." I whispered into her wolf ear. She howled again, only this time more urgent.

A wolf lunged for her and curled my hand into a fist, slamming it into the side of his head. He shook his head and walked back to the other wolves.

I glanced at Bella and her eyes showed fear. She pushed me back farther and let out a short howl again.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


Is there a chapter 13 after this? I thought I published 13-17 but it says no one has read it. I published over two weeks ago. Comment so I know please. If not then I have to fix my Wattpad or rewrite the story.

I'm going to publish another chapter right after this. I wanted to change povs and didn't want to confuse anyone.

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