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Not them banning pfp.

The doorbell rang waking me up. I unlocked the door and ran down the stairs.

"Sign here and there. Here's the number from the owner" he said handing me some papers.

I signed a fake name and a heart at the end for fun.

Grabbing the box out of his hand and closing the door.

It was a phone. The newest kind I read about it in this book about a man who died of cancer. He made this phone. Or something like that.

"Hide this. It's for me and you. Call my number it's attached to the back of this"

I heard my stepmom's car arrive so I grabbed the iPhone and note running up the stairs to hide it under my bed. Forgetting the Amazon box it came with.

I didn't hear her anymore so I came downstairs she was in her room.

"Hi" I smiled looking in her room the grabbing the box and throwing it outside in the garbage under the other stuff.

FaceTime me

How you do that

Lmao hold on

Incoming FaceTime call from Polo

"Thank you for getting me this phone" I smiled into the camera

"No problem. You gonna be over my house soon. I'll take care of you"

"And help me find my mom," I said with the biggest smile

"Yeah," he said twisting his hair.

"You okay? You look like you've been crying"

"Yeah, I'm just hungry. When you gonna come get me?"

"When I get off tour" he shrugged.

"When's that?"

"Why you wanna come with me?" he laughed

"No no no that's scary"

"You miss your friends?"

"No they don't like me anymore," I said sighing

"What happened"

"I can't say"I lied

"Why not that's obviously what's on your mind"

"Okay so. Me and Ray been friends forever and when this happened"I said showing my head

"When then that happens"

"I was running and a tree pierced through my hand"

"Oooh shit that must've hurt," he said

"Not really"

"Continue with yo story shorty" he smiled drinking water.

"Ok so he wrapped my hand and then he took me to my room and he started touching on me. And I read in this book you supposed to feel something and I didn't. I didn't want it. It was so bland. And then he started kissing me and I hated it. Like hated it. Which is weird cause one time I kissed Sam and it felt better than this. But anyway I told him I didn't want to do it and he asked why so I said that I was scared mother was going to come." I said finally telling somebody the whole truth.

"You're gay"

"No no no, "I said before hearing my dad yell at me

"Hide the phone," he said hanging up.

Call 1 hour-long...


"Hi dad" I smiled walking down the stairs

"Yeah yeah. Who are you talking to?"

"Nobody? that was the Tv"


"Anyways I'm hungry"

"We had food"

It's kinda sad cause they always go out the at and I get stuck at home. They never let me out of the house.

"Okay 'I simply responded.

Running back up the stairs.

"You safe?"

"Yeah just hungry"

"Go eat. Tell me what you ate and show me"

"It's nothing to eat"

"What you want"

"I don't know. I've eaten the same food my entire life"

"Here I got you something. It should be there in 13 minutes" he said typing

"What is it?"

"Real food. That you're gonna like and eat. And if you ever want something you tell me. Okay?" He said aggressively

"Okay," I nodded. I never had a problem asking people for stuff.

A few minutes later a Panda Express pack came.

"Broccoli and meat and orange chicken and rice," the receipt said.

"Okay now. Throw away the food before your parents come home."

"Okay" I nodded pouring it all into a plastic spaghetti bowl. Throwing away the packages and hiding them.

I ate it all in 35 minutes top. And I'm a slow eater.

A few weeks later

"You okay now?"


We talked for hours I didn't realize how loud I laughed and laughed.

"Your hair is fire"

"Really? I hate it." I said actually shocked. I never liked my hair. I want to cut it. And flat iron it.

"Yeah. It's perfect the way it is"

"Thank you. I have to go now"

"Bye Fee" he laughed going onto the stage hanging up.

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