"So you have cancer"
"Yes. I only have 2 weeks left. I'm sorry I didn't expect you to come find me"
"What do you mean"
"Your boyfriend. He's been in touch for some time now."
So he's been talking with my mom and not telling me. After I cried to him every night about her.
"How long have you've been here"I said reaching for her hand
"Since I've left you I went to Paris and lived with my girlfriend then when your aunt got pregnant I came down here and ending up having an emergency where I needed to go to the hospital then did blood work and found cancer cells. But Lauren when I tell you this. Don't smoke ever. Addiction runs strong in my side of the family" she said coughing
"I won't"I said truthfully.
"You know I love you."
"I know mama."
"Good. When I pass away your the only person in my will. Do you know what that is?"
"When I pass. You get everything and my bank. Not that much is in it. A few thousand since I had to use most of it for surgery and treatments"she proceeded
"Also don't get mad at your boyfriend"
"No it's my fault. I didn't want you to see me like this. When I die cremate me. I don't want a funeral. Fly me to Paris with your other aunts it's all in the will. Now go home."
"I don't want to go home"
"Go home and never come back here."
"No. I'm not leaving"I said as tears fell into my lap.
"Miss Fiona. Your time is up more visitors are here"the nurse bitch said.
"I can't leave you again"
"You'll always be with me."she smiled going in for a hug.
"Now leave"she whispered patting my back
Once I walked out the door the bodyguard was there to escort me to the hotel I got for 1 day arriving at the hotel he ended up leaving and I fell asleep.
A few hours later I felt a dip in my bed I could tell it was T cause he smelled like vanilla.
"I'm sorry"I said bursting into tears that I didn't even know were gonna come out.
He grabbed me holding me while I cried on his shirt for about 2 hours straight
"You okay?"he said kissing my forehead while I was wiping my tears
"You were a dick last night"
"Yeah I know I'm sorry for that. I can make it up to you"
"I don't want anything just to go home"
"Eat something"
"Not now."I argued
"It's been a day."he argued back but I ignored him getting out the bed putting on my shoes.
"Come on"I said opening the door turning around to see if he was still on the bed and he was right behind me.
"Weird how a sudden movement can get you wet"he laughed looking down at my legs.
"I'm not"I lied I mean it's true but still.
"Ok"he said kissing my forehead
Walking to the elevator it was just me and him and since the floor was high up it took a while
A felt his cold ass hand reach in my sweatpants
"No underwear?"he said grabbing my cat the taking his hand out
"Lying ass"he laughed licking the wetness off his fingers
"I don't like when you do that" I blushed
"Do what"
"Taste me"
"You love when I give you head though"he laughed
"Yeah but that's different what if I tasted bad"
"You won't ever taste bad cause you take 2 showers a day for no reason"
"I like showers"I giggled as he put his arm around me.
"Dont keep running away I'm so for real you had me scared"
"I won't I didn't like it either"
"Good" he said as the door dinged
And we walked to the black Tesla