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"I didn't mean to make you mad. And I'm sorry for everything I did. I just well...it's not a excuse for what I did"I said basically crying in front of literally nobody . Not Even the nurse. Like snot rolling down my face. Nobody is in this room but me. But talking to myself calms me down

"I hate it here. I wanna go home. You know I hate pudding. It makes me sad. It makes me think of my mom"I rambled

"T. We could just talk it out or something"I said still talking to myself.

He hasn't came to see me yet. It's been 3 days. Why hasn't he come seen me yet. Does he not care about me anymore. He probably doesn't. I upset him.

Somebody walked into the room making my head shoot up.

"T" I said happily and clapping.

"Here" he said handing me an envelope

"I have decided that this is to much stress for me. It's best we part. That's money for everything you'll ever need. It's also enough to get you an plane ticket basically anywhere and pay rent for at least a year."he sighed not even making eye contact with me.

"A-are you serious"I said as my voice cracked.

"I'm sorry Fiona" he said getting up and leaving.
Pulling the cover over my face and crying myself to sleep.

15 hours later

"Fee..fee wake up"I heard a manly voice say.

The envelope was gone.

"Hey the envelope is gone"I said fully waking up and pulling the covers off my face just to come face to face with the only person I didn't want to see right now.

We made eye contact for a split second and then I looked away.

"Come on"his manager said reaching out for my hand.

"Where we going"

"Home. Come on. Want me to pick you up?"he said and nodded no.

"How come you didn't come see me. It's been 3 days."i said looking at T.

He didn't answer me.

Once we got home the house was so empty. Like really empty. No knives. No locks.


Her eyes were shaking. She was about to die. Because she can't fucking listen. Shit was traumatizing.

The fact she didn't even realize what she did wrong. Apology after apology. I'm tired of it.

And then she wouldn't tell me where the pills she took were. It's too much stress. Like a fucking kid. Her running away. Everything.

After I gave that envelope to her and she started crying it broke me. I didn't really care about whatever the fuck she did anymore. I love her. And I can't leave her like her mom did. I'm the one who decided on taking her. I'm the one who took her from her dad. I'm the one who gave her them pills to forget everything bad I did not caring about the consequences of my actions. So leaving her would be awful of me. I'm not a prick. Sometimes I can be. Addiction is hard. I used to be surrounded around addiction. I used to be addicted. I've overdosed numerous times. But I got better. Now it's time for her to get better.

After I got out my shower I saw she made me food. It wasn't anything special cause I threw away every knife. Every gun is put away upstairs in rooms she doesn't even know about.

She wasn't in my room anymore.

I was going to to leave her be but I could hear her crying. Through the vent. It is around the time her mom supposed to pass. She's been through a lot. Imagine if I actually made her leave.

I walked into the room and laid next to her getting under the covers with her.

"I love you Fiona"I said kissing her neck numerous times until she got hickeys

"Stop crying baby."I said reassuring her

"I-mm"she said hiccuping

"Shhh you don't gotta talk. Just stop crying for me okay"

"Ok"she smiled burying her face into the pillow.

"Did you eat something"


"Thanks for not making me stress over that"

"You're welcome"she smiled I could see her dimples deepen.

After a few minutes I looked over at her and she wasn't sleep but she was close so I didn't move off the bed. Laying a kiss on her cheek she turned her head and kissed me back.

She pulled her hands out her pants which I didn't even realize were there and placed them on my neck. I placed my left hand on her cheek and she moved hers off me and put it on chest.

Letting go of my lip and caught her breath. Then proceeding.

" I love you"she smiled closing her eyes and laying back down.

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