Small but Meaningful

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<Just before the story starts I wanted to share my art to y'all since this is the end of 2020 ^^ Hope you like it!

<Just before the story starts I wanted to share my art to y'all since this is the end of 2020 ^^ Hope you like it!

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It has been days since New Years, apparently, it's almost Valentines'. If I'm being honest, I have no idea why people celebrate Valentines. Idiots.

 But...maybe this year, I'll be one of those idiots .

"Oi, I said you have to melt the chocolate." Haru-nii scolded me and smacked the recipe book on my head.  

"Can't we just frost it already? It's pretty-" 


"You're making a chocolate cake for my sister, my sister. The most precious girl in the universe! There's no way I'll let you make a half-ass cake for her! Now frost it!" Ahh yes, the psychotic sis-con. 

"But, Okay nevermind."  decorated the cake in which she'd like. A cute strawberry was on the top of it as I sprinkled some toppings. Letting the cake rest for tomorrow, I set it in the fridge. Normally, it'd be the girls making and the boys receiving, but I wanted to give her something too. I'm not patient enough to wait for White Day. 


"Sora, I'm surprised how you have your desk filled already." Gin walked up and ate some chocolate. 

"Yeah..." I sighed. So many chocolates...but none from Akira. I slumped my face down on the desk and groaned. 

"Oh, looks like the Ice King is sad. BAHAHAHA!" Tora slapped me in the back, stinging my spinal cord. I took the chocolates from my desk and gave it out to the class. I didn't want them, not did I need them. 

I just want hers.

Just yours Akira...

Ding Dong

School was already over, but no sign of Akira . Did she forget? I haven't seen her since lunch. Did she get into some trouble?! I'd better be safe than sorry so I dialed her. But little did I know that she bumped into me.

"SOU-CHAN!!" She shouted, her hair was a mess, despite the rubber band tying it, strands were lose, she was still in her school uniform, but her apron overlapped it. 

"Don't tell me you skipped half of school just t-" 

"No! I...I forgot t-to set I h-had to make it all over..." Akira was tryin to catch her breath while she handed me a red box, all of a sudden, I felt happy. Overwhelming joy was showering over me, my cheeks were rising in temperature despite the cold, I could feel myself trying to suppress my grin as I took it from her hands.

"Here, I made you one too. J-just so you know, I-it's n-not like I wanted to!" I handed her my gift, averting eye contact, but maybe a peek would be fine.

"Hahaha, Sou-chan kawaii." 

Seriously...why is she so damn cute?


It was the start of a new semester. The start of a new, fresh education. 


But I didn't know, that there were still people...who willingly hurt others, just for their benefits. 


"So, are you gonna help me get your sister orrr ⁓"

"No. You're on your own twig." I closed my history textbook after noting down the important parts. I need to make notes for Akira when I get back.

"Well, I do know some lines. But my girlfriend says they're lame." Gin slumped in his chair and laughed.

"Yes, most of them are lame Gin. If Sou-chan ever said those to me. I'd rather die." Akira followed up, hugging my from behind.

"I'd rather dig my own grave dumbhead." I messed with her hair, making her chuckle.

"Ughhh, am I the only one who doesn't have a love life? When is Miou-chan getting to high school?" Tora hid his face while sobbing imaginary tears.

"Probably next year, mom said they'll move in next month. And I got a part time job." 

The trio gasped. They asked me what I got as a job but Tora, that sly tiger, wanted to know more about my sister instead.

"A waiter." I replied. Akira covered her mouth and sniffed.

"Agh, oh how fine you'd look with that outfit. Plus not to mention if you styled your hair to the side and add glasses....Aghhh!" She clutched her arms into her chest and gazed into the sky.

Ahh yes, the perks of having an otaku girlfriend. Nope, she's a weeb. 

"Hmmm, yes. Then Sora would look like Sebastian." Gin nodded.

"But hotter." The trio exchanged smirks. 

Oh please, someone help me.

Haru-nii - Big Brother Haru
Kawaii - Cute
Chan -  Commonly used for children but is also widely used among female family members and close friends. Chan has a sense of cuteness and acquaintance, so it is often used towards pets and lovers.
Weeb - Weeb is short for weeaboo, an often derogatory term used for people who are obsessed with Japan and supposedly Japanese culture.
Otaku - tends to be someone who is obsessed with some part of Japanese pop culture or Asian pop culture in general. Anime, manga, and computer games are the most notable obsessions, but an otaku could also obsess over J-Pop music or Korean dramas.

<Thank you for reading! Happy New Year to everyone! I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, cuz I wrote it in a hurry-

Take care everyone and have a pleasant day/night!>

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