So I'll protect you

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I woke up on the sofa the next morning. Strange. I must've been really tired. Trying to get my mind straight I went up to the bathroom to wash myself up and cook. As I was chopping the cabbages for the curry, I heard a loud noise from Haru-nii's house. If it's loud then that person is back. Then,Akira-


Where is she?! I dropped the knife and looked around,she wasn't in the kitchen. I went back to the living room.


I checked the garden.


"Akira, oi dumbass this isn't the time to play games!" I rushed upstairs and checked all the rooms.


Suddenly I felt an overwhelming force covering me. It's the same sensation from back then. My head started to spin and I could barely catch my breath. What if they found her? What if she was sent back? What if I never see her again? What if...

She can't be herself anymore?

I slumped to the wooden floor and tried to collect my thoughts. That small dumbass isn't the type to go out without a reason. Without a reason she thinks is a reason. I slowly tried to gather the pieces. 

Last night, I told her story. Then we watched anime,after that I fell asleep. And I know for sure,she doesn't wake up once she's sound asleep.

Then there's only one option. I turned off the stove and put on my jacket. Darting out the door, I took a detour and reached the store.

"Ah." Gin was there in the convenience store,he looked at me and chuckled a little. 

That dumbass!

"Akira is still buying chips." He said as he placed the boxes on the ground. I wasn't an athlete like that monster so I took my time to catch my breath. 

"Thanks Gin." I apologized and went inside.

"Oi Akira you dumbass!" I walked over to her while she tried to avert my gaze. 

"H-heyy Sora." 

"Don't 'heyy Sora' me." I let out a squeaky voice and shook my body,mimicking her; but differently.

"I told you if you wanted to eat something or want something,just leave it to me. You don't have to go your way to do these." I followed her to the counter where Gin returned.

"You guys are a cute couple eh. Wish I had a lover." 

"Who'd date this dumbass?"

"Who'd date such a stuck-up person like this shithead?" 

"Did you take the wrong medicine Gin?" 

Finally,one thing we agree on. 

"No. I didn't so shut up and go along. Shoo!" I stuck up my middle finger to him and greeted him.

"Cya Gin." 


"Geez,stay still and put it on." I dragged her hood on her head as she grump down.

"Fine." We reached the house and went in. Again,another noise came. Akira froze. Despite yourself being noisy,you really hate the sound of glass breaking huh?

"Put the snacks away, I'm making curry for lunch.I know it's heavy but I'm sure that brain of yours will work once you have enough cells running it." I tried to start up the usual conversation with Akira. But I didn't get any response. 

"Hey flatass, mince the meat-" The white bag was there. But she wasn't .

That fucking dumbass Akira!!

I rushed out of the house and scurried to her front door. Will you look at that?


"Akira! What are you doing here?!" Haru-nii's voice reached me and I ran towards it.

When I reached the living room it was too late. Akira was standing in front the bulk man who was holding a bottle of wine. Well, it was until he smashed it. Haru-nii was on the floor with bruises and scars. 

I stepped in when the man winced his hand. 



"That hurts old man." I raised my voice. Clearly I'm going to die at this rate. My legs are begging me to run. But since I've done it. Welp, I've done it.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked,his breath stunk of rotten fish. Seriously? I just ran for 10 minutes then took a 15 minute route back to be greeted with this stench? 

"I don't think you have to know." I slowly took out my phone and handed it to Akira. She didn't take it. Oh come on! I forced her to phone and pushed her out of the room.

"You know who to call dumbass!" I reminded her as she stood there frightened in the doorway.

I nodded her,assuring her that everything will be okay. Nod back idiot...

"Is that how you're going to treat your father?!" he paced towards Akira. Not thinking rationally, I balanced myself and kicked him from behind. Then I cuffed his large hand with all the power I had and pushed him to the ground.

Thank god I had some aikido classes.


"Hey idiot!" She finally met my gaze. I smiled at her,hoping it'd cheer her up.

"It'll be fine." 

'It'll be fine Akira...'

"Cuz I'm here."

She immediately nodded and rushed outside the house while pressing the phone.

"Sora..." He crossed over us and banged his father head with the baseball bat.

<SANGWOOO. Ahem. I'm sorry. Continue U_U> 

"That'll put him to sleep for a while." He said as he wobbly sat down,I relaxed myself beside him. 

"I'm sorry I let her ran out." I apologized.

"Nah, I'm sorry I didn't kill him earlier." 

"What?!" I sat up.

"Relax. It's just a joke. Although I would have,if he wasn't the person who gave us allowances." Haru-nii slightly chuckled. 

This is taken care of.

But how about...Aki...ra.....

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